Chapter Forty Four

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A/N: Hey guys! Another update coming your way. As I said, we're nearing the end of this adventure. I'm going  to estimate that there are probably 3-5 chapters left. What are your hopes for the ending? Feel free to comment. Love you guys! Your support, comments and kind words have kept this story going for 2 years. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Forty Four:

Dear Ringo:

If you're reading this letter, then that means I'm no longer with you guys. It means I've gone back home to 2015. I just wanted you to know that I adore you and no matter what anyone says, you're the best drummer I've ever known. You have such a sweet disposition and I will never forget your kindness to me the entire time I was with you all.

I wanted also to tell you to not stop taking photos. Its wonderful to see your journeys in life documented by pictures. You know what they say, one picture says a thousand words and I'm sure all of the ones I've seen you take of us on this adventure together fit into that category. I'd love to see those photos one day. I'd love to see you again one day...when you're all old and grey.

Life is going to present you with a bunch of ups and downs, that's only natural. It's your choice how you deal with them. I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to live a full and vibrant life over the next few decades. Stay smiling, Ringo and be happy. That's my wish for you.

Until I see you again,


Ringo was probably by far the easiest letter to write, I knew it would only get harder. I chose to do George's next, saving to do the hardest one of all, last. Folding up Ringo's and putting in an envelope, I got a fresh sheet and had to blink back tears. I tried hard not to get tearstains on the paper, but I didn't know how long I could keep them at bay.

Dear George:

So much has happened in the last three months with you guys and I wouldn't trade any of those moments for all the money in the world. If you're reading this, it means I've gone back home to 2015 and I want you to know that I'm really going to miss you. You've been this sweet, calming safehouse that I could always rely on and I'll never forget your patience, your kindness and your upbuilding chats. I know we had a little bit of a relationship when I first arrived, I just wanted to assure you that I harbour absolutely no hard feelings towards you. You'll still always be my first kiss and that's something I'll remember forever. I want you to remember that no matter how rough things get, keep your head high and remember that the peacekeeper is the best way to go. It's your nature, it's who you are and I think that's lovely. Embrace it. Enjoy life, be who you are and never give up. Those are my words of wisdom for you. You may not think so right now, but you might end up influencing so many other people the world over with your gentle manner and your music. Don't stop playing guitar, don't ever think your song ideas are stupid either. You can contribute just as much as John and Paul. And if they argue you on it, tell them Ashley said so. 😊 I guess that's about all except I want to say I love you. I don't say that lightly, but I do. I love the man you are, the man you will become. I won't give you too many spoilers, but let's just say you'll become one of the most beautiful people I've ever heard of. You have a kind and warm heart, George and the world is in dire need of a heart like yours. Maybe I can see you again one day. I'd love that. I live in London, I'm in the phone book.

My pen hesitated as I wiped away a few tears. It would be so easy just to tell him that he's going to die of cancer. But I didn't.

Keep smiling, George and remember that I'll be thinking about you.

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