Chapter Thirty Five

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A/N: I'm back! I'm really trying to keep up with this story because I do want to finish it one day for you all... As we can see in this chapter, things are starting to get a little complicated. Remember that Paul and Ashley are supposed to be together now, though they haven't told anyone. Also remember that Paul now knows who Ashley really is and he is the only one who knows. What will happen next? Enjoy.


Chapter Thirty Five:

It was getting late in the day and I was pretty sure we were going to call it a day shortly. The sun was still high, but moving its way to the west ever so steadily. I was closer to the shore with Paul and Ringo while George and John had gone further out. I didn't notice, I was too busy chatting with the other two about their shows and their favourite parts. It wasn't until I heard John yell that I knew something was wrong. My head whipped around.

"What's wrong?!" I yelled back. But I knew before the words were out of my mouth. I saw John but George... Paul turned around too.

"What's going on? Where'd George go?" He asked, but I took off toward John, half running through the water, half swimming before I could answer.

"Ashley, go back to shore with the others and get help." John ordered as I came within earshot. I felt adrenaline pump through my veins.

"He went under." I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yeah, he did and if you don't hurry we might never find him." Was his blunt reply as he made ready to dive under the water!

"What are you doing?" I demanded, jumping in front of him.

"The lifeguards might be too late. I have to find him." Fear clutched my heart.

" it's too dangerous..." I trailed off. If George had gone under and was maybe swept out by an undertow or God knows what... I dared not think it. But the same could happen to John. I couldn't let him do it. I was already panicking, picturing tomorrow's headlines if the worst would come to pass

"GEORGE HARRISON DROWNS IN MIAMI." It was too horrible. Much more horrible if both of them became lost...

"Let me go." I decided.

"Ashley, no. You'll drown."

"So will you!" I protested, trying hard not to cry. I was shaking by then. John laid a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be fine. Now go." But impulse took over. I didn't go back to shore. I jumped forward and dove beneath the waves, swimming downward as fast as I could possibly go. I expected him to follow me, yank me out of the water and call me crazy, stupid or God knows what else...but he didn't. immediately, I began searching for anything that even looked like a human underneath the water. The visibility wasn't great, but I was not giving up.

"You're such an idiot, you're gonna drown and then you'll both be dead." A little voice in my head scolded.

"No, no don't dare think it." Deeper I went, scouring the seaweed beds for George. It seemed hopeless and I knew deep down my chances of finding him were slim to none, but I couldn't just let poor George drown! He hadn't been very strong against the water all day anyway and I had taught him how to get around the big waves...

"So if he dies, it's your fault." The voice was back. I was pretty sure I was crying the further I went, as I was finding absolutely nothing.

"Go back. Just go back." I thought. But my stubborn blood drove me forward. My lungs were screaming for air but I didn't care; I wasn't quitting.

"Come on, George! Don't do this." I thought, getting frantic. My chest ached from the lack of oxygen in my system and my vision was getting fuzzy. I knew if I didn't return to the surface soon, I would indeed drown.

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