Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N- Hi everybody, I'm so sorry I've been MIA for the past few months, a lot was going on in my life so I had to take a step back from my writing. I moved so that was my main focus. But I'm settled now so I picked this old thing up. I thank you to those readers who've hung in there. I do intend to finish this book... anyway here's the next chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Five:

I'm not exactly sure how we ended up here, but it turned out to be an interesting night to say the least. I think one of the producers of the show was holding this after party for all the special guests on the show that night so once we all got out to the car, the driver took us straight there which was about a fifteen-minute drive. The home the party was held in was absolutely monstrous, it kind of reminded me of Sienna's family estate in size. Despite the chilly night, people were all over the outside porch either smoking, drinking or both. The lads were eager beavers to get right into the party and I just blindly followed them up the steps and into the very crowded home. I didn't really feel like partying...after the incident the night before, but I figured I could keep my head, just stay away from anything that looked or smelled like alcohol. John and Paul were instantly captivated by the party scene and soon disappeared into the crowd.

"One of you look after Ashley, will you?" Paul called over his shoulder to George and Ringo before disappearing. George looked at Ringo.

"See ya." Was all he said with a casual wave before he too disappeared.

"Typical." Ringo said, half to himself.

"Hey, you don't have to babysit me you know. You can go off and have fun." I offered. I kinda felt like a fifth wheel in the party scene with these four. Paul and John were always gone before you could blink, George sometimes hung around but then he's see someone that caught his eye and he'd be gone too. Ringo I didn't know much about and I think at times he felt obligated to babysit me, but like the night before, most times I ended up alone. I wasn't complaining, that was just how it always played out.

"Well someone has to keep you out of trouble." He winked at me. I then felt bad, though he'd only been kidding.

"I'll be fine, go have fun." I gave him a little push and he finally went too. So I was alone again, just a seventeen-and-a-half-year-old girl wearing a brunette wig standing against the wall and watching people move slowly by me like molasses. At least I was safe there; or so I thought. About half an hour passed and someone turned music on really loud, especially for that time. Some songs I recognized, they were hits of the day and people started dancing just right where they were. I couldn't help as well just to keep a beat, so much so that I caught the attention of a man with greased hair, at least in his late twenties. He approached me and I felt a little apprehensive.

"Hey baby, what's a beautiful gal like yourself doing glued up to the wall?" He dragged out his American accented words like taffy.

"Observing politely, thank you." I responded after a second. I thought I'd send him off with that comment, but his eyes only lit up.

"You're an English girl! Well if that doesn't make you ten times sexier, I don't know what does." He flashed me a toothy grin.

"I...don't know how to reply to that." I said, feeling clearly displeased. I knew his type. Just cruising for easy girls who would buckle with even the slightest of compliments. I was not that girl.

" with me, your highness." He seemed to falter but recovered, smiling toothily once again. I wasn't swayed, but I knew deep down, the only way I could get this leech to stay away from me was to give him one dance then disappear.

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