Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Ashley's POV

Once we reached cruising altitude, Paul seemed to settle down.

"See? I told you it wasn't that bad." I smiled.

"Don't we have a good mother, George?" John joked with his bandmate sitting near him. George just smiled silently.

"Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm exhausted." Ringo yawned.

"You can sleep if you like. It's gonna be a long flight." I said.

"Aww, that means he'll snore the whole time." Paul whined.

"Oh don't be mean." I half laughed. After that, Paul and George decided to rest for a while too and soon it was quiet in the cabin, Ringo wasn't snoring near as bad as I thought, it made me wonder if the others just liked to pick on him for a little thing and turning it into a larger thing. Leaving them to rest, I went toward the back of the cabin with my notebook. I figured John was asleep too, so I felt like I could have some alone time.

Well, we're en route to America. It's very early in the morning but I was never one to sleep on a plane. These four guys really don't know how big of a hit they'll be overseas. Thousands of fans will be waiting for them at the airport, they'll have sold out shows across the country and I get to witness it all. It's a whole different kind of magic...

I wrote for a while just revelling in the quiet when suddenly I heard

"Writing in your diary?" I jumped at that and snapped the book closed. Looking up, I saw John awake and joining me at the back with a notebook of his own.

"Um...sort of, I guess. Gives me something to do. Wh-What are you doing up? I thought you'd be asleep like the others." I said, trying to regain my composure.

"I tried, but Paul talks in his sleep." He said with a funny expression. I giggled quietly.

"That's actually really funny. My friend does to..." I said without really thinking. Suddenly I got real homesick for my best friend.

"So you know how irritating it is." He said.

"I guess I do." I replied, going to put my notebook away.

"Oh, don't stop on my account, I just had the same idea as you." He encouraged, flipping open his own notebook.

"You have a diary?" I smirked.

"No, it's just...ideas." He said, getting a little embarrassed.

"Well hey, that's alright." I smiled. We both fell quiet, I just started doodling on the back page of my notebook and when I  looked up again I saw him bend over his book, furiously scribbling away with wide rimmed glasses on. It occurred to me that I'd kind of forgotten he wore those glasses. Of course he had all the eyesight and perception of a hawk because he caught me staring at him.

"What?" He asked in defense.

"It's nothing, I just can't recall seeing you in glasses before." I smiled. He took them off and frowned.

"I hate them, but I can hardly see without them." He admitted.

"Do you wear contact lenses?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but they hurt after a while. I figure no one will judge me if I wear these here." He set them on the tray he was writing on.

"No one should judge you anyway. You look fine in them." I assured him. Curiously, I took the glasses and put them on. John just laughed.

"Geez, you are blind!" I giggled as he'd just turned into a hazy blob.

"You look like a college professor or a mad scientist." He joked. I took them off and gave them back.

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