Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Your letter will save John. It will." I thought. But would it? A warning was just that. A warning. It was up to him ultimately, if he heeded it. And what about George? My dear George. I was still fighting myself with that one. I remembered what I'd written earlier that day and how I'd torn it out. But... I didn't remember throwing it out.

"I must've. In the bathroom when I was freaking out." I told myself as we reached the suite. I couldn't exactly remember, but it was the only thing that made sense to my tired mind. I was very tired. These spells were taking a lot of energy out of me. Another telltale sign, I guess.

"Here, sit down, Ashley." George himself offered as we all got inside. I smiled and thanked him.

"You should have kept that paper, thrown it in with his letter." I told myself. Time was running out.

"I can't..." I thought, upsetting as that was. We all sat in the living room then, the lads continued talking about our travels. They were trying to keep my mind off of what was to come, I'm sure their minds too. I longed to speak with them all one on one, maybe I would tomorrow.

"If I'm here." I worried. I listened to them and shared my own experiences about America, how I liked it, the crazy fans, the shows, but I was getting more and more tired. Finally, I stood.

"I'd love to sit and talk with you guys all night, but I really should sleep." I told them. They all got up.

"A-Are you sure?" George asked, reaching for my arm. I bit my lip and forced a smile.

"I'll be here in the morning. I promise." Could I promise that anymore?

"Okay...goodnight, Ashley." George relented, not letting me go without a hug. Same with Ringo and Paul.

"You guys! It'll be okay. I'll see you in the morning." I laughed, to mask tears.

"Here, I'll walk you back to your room." John offered. I knew better than to argue. Something told me he wanted to talk in private. With one last goodnight, he and I left, walking back down the hall to my room. When we stopped at my closed door, he faced me.

"Just in case this is goodbye..." He started.

"John..." I interjected, but he held up a hand to stop me.

"Just...listen. I've never met anyone like you before in my life, Ashley. When I first met you, I thought you were just this girl who was following Paul around. Even recently, I told you that I had been right about you all along, that you were no good and all of that... I was wrong Ashley. I was so wrong. Even before I knew the truth, you had come to mean so much to me that I never wanted you to leave." He explained. Tears welled in my eyes.

"Oh John..." I whispered.

"But, seeing as you do have to and now I know what's coming, I've made a vow to myself that I'm going to see you again. I have to, because Ashley... you've changed me. I'm a different man because of you and I don't want to lose you forever. I want to be there with you in your future. I want...I want to be your grandfather." A small smile tugged at his lips. Tears were spilling over by then.

"Y-You can't do it for me... I've been so selfish." I protested, tearfully.

"You have to let me do it for you, Ashley. It's going to rip me apart when you leave and knowing I can have that hope of seeing you again, watching you turn into the amazing, strong and talented young woman I've gotten to know here, these last few months is what's gonna get me through. I'll live my life, I'll be happy, I'll do all of that, just so I can see you again." I nodded, wiping the tears away.

"Okay...okay." I finally said. He pulled me into his arms again and I threw my arms around him.

"I'll see you in the morning." I murmured, though I really wasn't sure. He nodded as I stepped away.

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