Chapter 21

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Elliot's POV

I yawned as I sat up and stretched my limbs. Liv was still asleep, but Maureen was laying next to her. Maureen may be an adult, but she was always going to be close with us. She was always going to be our little girl, and we would comfort her in our arms until she decides she is too old, but I hope that never happens.

"Mo." I whispered, and she sat up slowly. She yawned and climbed out of bed, and smoothed her hair.

"I was going to leave before you woke up." She spoke.

"Why?" I asked, and she covered Liv up more and looked at me.

"I didn't want you to know that I came here. I was supposed to be at home with the kids, but I needed time with Mom." She croaked, and I stood and walked over to my daughter. I gently tucked a blonde curl behind her ear.

"Let me get you breakfast. Come on. I want something other than hospital food."


She left her car at the hospital, and I drove her to a restaurant near the hospital. We went in and got a table.

"What can I get you two?" The older waitress asked, her voice slightly southern.

"Two coffees." Maureen ordered quickly, and she smiled at me.

"Want anything Dad?" She teased.

The waitress smiled and walked away, while I looked at my daughter.

"So, why did you need mom time?" I asked, and she sighed.

"I contacted Kathy." She replied, and I bit my lip.

"You did?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah. I wanted Mom to come with me, and I have always wanted Mom to come with me once I decided to meet Kathy, but now I don't know if she ever will." Maureen chocked, and she wiped at the tears on her cheeks.

"Mo, she is going to wake up." I replied.

"I want her back now, Dad. I want my Mom."

"I want her back too, Mo."

"Then why can't she feel it? I've did research, and I've heard of people listening to their loved ones talk and ask them to wake up, so they do."

"Mo, those were miracles. Your mother doesn't believe in miracles, well other than you and your siblings." I replied, and she let out a weak laugh.

"Alright, you are right there, but Dad, we need her back. Quinn cried for hours last night because she missed Mom so much. She wanted a story read, so I tried to read one to her, but I didn't do the voices right like Mom does." Maureen replied, and I bit my lip.

"Fuck." I swore, and she frowned.


Liv was released from the hospital a week after Poppy was born, but Poppy was going to have a much longer stay.

"Where is Poppy?" Auggie questioned, and Liv bit her lip as she looked at our 5 year old.

"Poppy is still getting help, Auggie." I spoke, as Liv sat down on the couch. Janey quickly climbed onto Liv's lap, and smiled.

"Hi, Mommy." She whispered.

"Hey, Janey. Why are you whispering?" Liv asked, as she pushed her brown curls back away from her face. Her pigtails fell out, and now her curls were everywhere.

"Because you were tired. Daddy told us. That is why you were away from us for a week." Janey whispered back, and Liv looked at me with pained eyes. I lied to the younger kids so they wouldn't about if there mother would live or die.

"I was tired, but I'm good now, Janey." Liv smiled, and Janey frowned.

"Are you really good now, Mommy?" She asked, and I left the room to find Maureen.


My daughter sat on her bed, her headphones on, and I could hear music leaking from them. I grabbed a pillow she had tossed on the floor, and I tossed it at her. She jumped when it hit her, and she took her headphones off.

"Dad, when did you get here?" She asked, as she tucked her diary away, and I smiled.

"We just got home. Wanna see Mom?"

"I don't know." She whispered, and I arched my eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous, Mo?" I replied, and she sighed.

"What if we almost lose her again?"

"Who told you?" I asked, as I sat down next to her.




Our small conversation stopped there, and I frowned.

"Alright, well, I'm going to make lunch for everyone. Try to talk to your mother before dinner, alright?"

"I guess."


Olivia's POV

After I got home, I noticed that if Maureen and I were in the same room, she wouldn't even talk to me. I got worried that something may be bothering her, and I wanted to get down to the bottom of it. I guess it is just the detective in me.

I escaped Elliot and the kids, and I headed slowly up the stairs, the pain from the horrible experience still there.

I heard my daughter blasting music in her room, and I knocked as loud as I could, but she still couldn't hear me. I slowly opened the door, and looked in. She was laying face down on her bed, and I watched as she breathed. It was shaky and uneven. Why was she crying?

I walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge and gently rubbed her back. She jumped at the sudden and unexpected touch, but once she realized it was me, she welcomed the comfort.

"Mo, can we talk?" I spoke, and she sat up slowly and nodded.

She climbed off of the bed and turned her stereo off, before sitting down at the top of her bed. She grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her chest.

"What do you need to talk about?" Maureen asked.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, as I reached forward and wiped at a few stray tears.

"I wasn't." She spoke, but it was very clear that she had been.

"Come on, tell me Mo." I replied, and she swallowed hard.

"Mom, I know you aren't my biological mother, but you have been the only mother I have known since I was born. And with that, it scared me to death thinking that Dad may come home, and he might never bring you home with him. I didn't want you to die, but it came so close." She whimpered, and I reached out and gently caressed her cheek.

"I'm never, NEVER, going to leave you and your siblings, Mo. I can promise you that."

If only I could see the future, because shit went down, and I did end up leaving my children and boyfriend to watch me.

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