Chapter 10

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Elliot's POV

"What?" August, our youngest son asked.

"Mommy is sleeping, and she isn't going to wake up for awhile." I spoke slowly, and Sam, our oldest son crossed his arms over his chest.

"Stop lying to us." He spat. 

"Sam, come with me." I spoke. I grabbed his arm and tugged him into the play room. I sighed and looked at him.

"You are 10. August, Poppy, Janey, and Quinn are younger than you. It is harder for them to understand that your mother is in a coma."

"A coma? What?" He breathed, and I watched as his blue eyes grew with pain.

"The accident, it really hurt her, bud. I'm sorry."

"Dad, I don't like this." He breathed, and I pulled my son into a hug.

"I know. I don't either. But I need you to be strong, alright? Mo is coming home after her finals, and she is going to help out here. And Lucy is going to continue to help. But I need you to be nice to your siblings and don't scare them with this." I spoke, and he nodded against my chest.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I miss her." He breathed, and I nodded.

"I know. I do too. So, come on. Lets go out and get some lunch with the rest, and then I'm heading back to the hospital to sit with her."

"Can I come?"

"I don't want you to see her like that. She isn't like how she usually is. Alright? Maybe if she wakes up."

"She will, Dad. She has to wake up. I don't think that we can live without her." He breathed, and I sighed.

He was right. We can't live with her. She is the glue that holds us all together.


"Mommy!" Maureen squealed, as I carried her into our bedroom. Liv was sleeping on her side, holding a pillow as she slept.

"Mommy?" Maureen questioned, and I sat her on the bed. Liv was in such a deep sleep from her medicine.

I gently caressed Liv's hair until she woke up, and since I was standing behind her, she only saw Maureen.

"Oh, hey, love." She smiled. Maureen quickly cuddled up to Liv.

"Hi, Mommy." Maureen smiled, and Liv kissed her cheek.

"How was school?" She asked, and Maureen shrugged.

"I missed you all day." She breathed, and Liv chuckled.

"Well, why don't I help you with your homework, and we can make Daddy get make us dinner." Liv spoke, and Maureen giggled, as I sighed.

Liv looked over her shoulder quickly and sighed.

"Dang it." I kissed her temple and smiled.

"I'll do anything for my girls. Mo, take it easy on your Mommy. She still hurts."

I walked out and headed towards the kitchen, but I heard Maureen speak.

"Mommy, I'm sorry about the baby. I wish I could've gotten my baby brother." 

I felt my heart break.

I wanted Ethan too. All of us did.


2 Years Later[Flashback Time]

Two years after Liv lost Ethan, our son, Sam was born.

He was such an amazing baby from the start, and even at only a day old, he fit in perfectly.

He had Liv's dark hair, and I could already tell that he was going to keep his blue eyes. 

I left a hour or so after he was born, giving Liv and her Grandmother time with Sam, while I went home and showered.

I then drove towards Liv's old apartment building.

I stood outside, as I looked at the large orange envelop that Serena had sent to Liv. It was an attempt at an apology, but it wasn't what Liv wanted. Liv wanted an actual mother, and she got that with my Mom. So, after Sam was born, she said she wanted me to take it back to her mother, and I was doing just that.

I walked up the steps and read through the list of apartments. I sighed as I buzzed on the one that said 'S. Benson' in swirly handwriting.

"Who is it?" The hoarse voice questioned, and I realized what time it was.

"Ms. Benson, I have something for you."

"Who is it?" She spoke again, and I sighed.

"I'm your daughter's boyfriend." I replied, and she was quick to buzz me in.

I made my way up to her apartment, and knocked lightly. She opened the door and I was face to face with the woman who made my Liv feel like she was worthless.

"Ms. Benson, I'm Elliot Stabler." I spoke, as I reached my hand out to her. She looked at it for a moment before shaking it.

"Is Liv okay?" She questioned, and I couldn't help but smile. I knew that Liv was more than okay. She was now a mother of two kids that we love with all of our hearts.

"Liv is perfect. Um, she wanted me to give this back to you." I spoke, and she eyed the envelop.

"She couldn't give it back to me herself?"

"No, not right now."

"What do you mean?"She spoke, disappointed.

"She gave birth recently. You have a biological grandson. And other than that, she has adopted my daughter, Maureen, and is helping me raise her." I replied, and she bit her lip.

"Come in." She spoke. We walked into her apartment, and it smelt like smoke.

I wonder if she dropped one bad habit in exchange for another one.

I sat down on a couch, and she sighed as she sat across from me.

"My grandson, what is he named?" She asked, and I smiled softly.

"Sam Joseph Stabler."

"I'm surprised that Liv is a mother..." She trailed off, when she saw the anger grow in my eyes.

"Liv is an amazing mother. She learned that from your mother, not you. Get your act together, and maybe you can be apart of your grandchildren's lives, but as of now, we want absolutely nothing to do with you." I spoke, and she frowned.

"I'm surprised that she is a mother because she said she never wanted children."

"Well, she didn't want children around you. She is happy, by the way. She's had some pretty damn hard times. But she is a fighter. She learned that from fighting you. Now, I'm going back to the hospital to sit with MY family. Have a good life." I spoke, before quickly turning and walking out.

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