Chapter 11

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Elliot's POV

As I walked back down the hall towards Liv's hospital room, I looked in and saw a woman with graying brown hair. She sat next to Liv's bed, and held her hand. I looked at this picture with confusion.

I walked in and cleared my throat. The woman turned around quickly, and I saw tears on her cheeks.

"Oh. I didn't think that anyone was here." She whispered, and I frowned.

"Serena." I breathed, and she swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you. I'm getting old." She spoke, before standing up. She reached her hand out to me, and I shook it.

"I'm Liv's longtime boyfriend, Elliot." I replied, and she nodded.


I took Serena down to the lunch room, and I bought her a coffee. I let out a small sigh as I looked down at the steaming liquid.

"So, what happened?" She questioned, and I frowned.

"She got into a car accident. Um, the other driver was released the day it happened, but she wasn't so lucky." I sighed, and she frowned.

"How many days since it happened?"

"11 days. I'm scared that it will be weeks before she wakes up." I whispered, and she nodded.

"I saw the report on the news, and I didn't even pay any attention to it. But then they did a recap of sorts. I saw Liv's picture. She was in her uniform." She replied, and I nodded slowly.

"What one?" I questioned, and she showed me her phone.

"This one."

I smiled as I looked at the composite photo of Liv

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I smiled as I looked at the composite photo of Liv. God, did she look good in uniform.

"Serena, why now?" I questioned, and she frowned as she ran her finger of the lip of her cup.

"I hate myself, Elliot." She spoke, and I looked at her with confusion.


"For what I did to my daughter. For how I treated her, and how I've always blamed her for what happened to me."

"She is the most amazing woman in this world, Ms. Benson. She is the love of my life." I spoke, and she smiled, before she wiped at a tear on her cheek.

"So, how is family life with her? Is she still as bull headed?" She questioned, and I laughed.

"Oh, yeah. She hasn't really changed in that way." I chuckled, and she smiled.

"So, still just Sam and Maureen?" She spoke, and I was suprised that she remembered.

"Nope. We have Maureen, Sam, August, Janey, Poppy, then Quinn."

"Oh boy! That is a lot of kids." She quickly replied.

"Yeah, but we would never trade them for the world. Sam is 10, Auggie is 7, Janey is 6, Poppy is 4, and Quinn is 3." I spoke, and she smiled.

"Little ones are fun." She spoke, and I looked at her and frowned.

"You didn't love Liv when she was younger, and you didn't for most of her life."

"I didn't show it. I hated my daughter, yes. I hated her so much because I thought that it was her fault. But she wasn't around when I was raped. I should've gotten over my stupidity and loved my daughter. Once I got sober and stopped smoking, I realized that I love her more than life." She breathed, and I smiled gently.

"Serena, when she wakes up, she is going to want to live life to it's fullest, and that means forgiving you, or at least giving you a chance." I spoke, and she nodded slowly.

"I hope she does. And Elliot, thanks for this. Can I sit with her when you can't?"

"Of course. Now, lets go get back to her." I smiled.

I stood and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we walked. She was just a slight woman, and was shaking. She was just as scared as I was.


I carried Sam around our house. He was fussy, and Liv and Maureen were sleeping in our bed. I kissed the soft brown hair that covered his head, as I swayed. I walked out onto the back deck, that was on the beach. 

We had finally afforded a nice place. Working at the precinct, and the fact that I had a night job brought in some good money. I still had time to spend time with my family, and Liv is going to be off on leave for a month and a half, so she can spend lots of time with the kids.

I slowly sat down on the bottom stair, and pushed my feet into the still warm sand.

"Alright, Sam. We are gonna make a deal, alright?" I questioned, as I laid my son on my legs. I held him still, as he swung his little fist, as if he wanted to punch me. I smiled and leaned down and kissed one of his fist.

"So, for one, you aren't going to one of the big universities. You are going to be a good old community college or local college boy." I smiled, and he looked at me as I talked.

"See, a lot of bad stuff happens at them, and I don't want you involved in that." I whispered, as I gently rubbed his belly with one hand, then I smiled again.

"So, you are also going to be a respectful, brave, strong, kind boy. You are going to be a lot like your mother. She is the best woman in this world, and even though you are a boy, I bet you are going to be the boy version of her."

"I can't be the man of the house all the time, so I need you to be when I can't." I smiled. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

I let out a small sigh and cuddled him back to my chest. 

"I love you, Sam. I was scared that we were going to lose you, but when your Mommy forced me into feeling you kick for the first time, or when I saw you born, or when I held you for the first time, I knew that I couldn't be scared anymore. I needed to jump in head first, because you three are the loves of my life. I couldn't be scared that I would lose your Mommy, Mo, or you. I just needed to be brave." I breathed, before standing. I turned around, as Sam feel asleep, and I saw Liv standing there, her robe wrapped loosely around her still swollen figure.

"I'm glad that you aren't scared anymore, because you are stuck with us." She smiled. She stepped forward and kissed me softly, before taking Sam. We walked up the stairs and I smiled.

She makes me so happy.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! So, I decided that each chapter is going to be another day. So, as of this chapter, Liv has been in a coma for 11 days. Depending on how I feel, she may be out for awhile, or wake up sooner, but I still have so much of their past to write! Thanks for reading, again, and please vote and comment all of your feedback! :D

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