Chapter 5

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Elliot's POV

I fell asleep next to Olivia's bedside, and when I was sleeping, I dreamed about taking her home with me. Having her laying in our bed again, and listening to her breath. Looking at her and seeing a slight smile on her lips as she slept.

I missed seeing her smile and laugh. All I saw now was her expressionless face, and the tube that was in the corner of her mouth, helping her breath.

"Dad." Someone whispered, and I opened my eyes quickly. I looked at Liv, but she wasn't awake, and then I looked and frowned.

"Hey Maureen." I breathed. She walked over and hugged me, before starting to sob. I held her close and caressed her hair until she stopped crying.

"What happened to Mom?" She questioned, as she looked at Olivia.

"Car accident." I whispered, before wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Is she going to make it?"

"They don't know. But don't worry. You didn't need to come home from school." I spoke, trying to make her feel like everything was going to work out.

"Dad, this is Mom we are talking about." She spoke, and I tucked some of her stray hair behind her ear. 

"I know. Come on, sit."


Olivia and I were laying in my backyard, my arms wrapped around her as we watched the meteor shower. She hadn't seen it before, since the light pollution was horrible in the city.

"Look at that one!" She exclaimed, sounding like a little child, but the fact that someone who had been hurt so much could be excited about something so simple made me happy.

"What?" Olivia asked, as she sat up. I had been silent the whole time, and had only been looking at her. How beautiful she is, and how happy she made me was on my mind.

"Nothing." I smiled, and she looked at me.

"No, something is up. Is it nerves?"

"I am nervous about the baby. I have to still get stuff. I don't know how this is gonna work out."

"I told you that I would help." She spoke, smiling gently. I sat up and stole a kiss from her lips before smiling.

"Are you sure? It is going to be a lot happening in the last month of our Junior year." I replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't have knocked up Kathy during the summer." Olivia spoke, and I lunged at her. She laughed as she got up, and before I knew it, I was chasing her around the yard.

The sound of her laugh filled the air, and when I finally caught her, I pinned her against the fence and kissed her passionately.

"I love you." She breathed, and I pulled away slightly and looked into her deep brown eyes.

"You do?" I questioned.

"6 months of dating, I know now that I love you." She replied, and I kissed her again.

"I love you too, Benson." I spoke, before kissing her again.

"Elliot, phone call!" My mother called from the back door. I grabbed Olivia's hand and led her back to the blanket.

"I'll be back." I smiled, and she nodded.

I ran up the steps and inside.

My mother handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Elliot, something is wrong." Kathy whimpered.

"What?" I breathed.

"I'm home alone and I'm in pain. I'm scared." She spoke quickly, and I looked at the clock.

"I can get to your house in 10 minutes. Be ready."


Olivia and I went to Kathy's house. I pulled into the driveway and parked, before running to the front door, Olivia close behind.

"Kathy?" I called into the house, after I opened the door. She came down the stairs and looked at me painfully.

"I called my doctor. He said it has to be contractions." She replied, and I nodded. I walked over and helped her down the rest of the stairs, and she looked at Olivia.

"Hi." Olivia said, timidly.

"Hi." Kathy replied quietly.

"Alright, lets get you to the hospital." I replied.

I grabbed Kathy's hospital bag before getting her out into my jeep and heading off.

God was I nervous.


Olivia and I sat outside of Kathy's room for hours. She didn't want me in there, and frankly, I was a little sick to my stomach just sitting out here.

My mother showed up with the clothes that we had gotten for cheap, and some other things I wanted from the baby, and then she left.

At about 3 in the morning, a nurse came out. Olivia was sleeping with her head on my shoulder, and I barely moved when the nurse approached me.

"Kathy is asking for you." She breathed, and I nodded slowly.

I kissed Olivia's head, and she woke up slowly.

"Is the baby here?" She yawned.

 The nurse smiled.

"She is. Beautiful baby girl." The nurse replied, and my eyes lit up. I looked at Liv, and she smiled.

"Congrats." She smiled, and I kissed her before standing and going into Kathy's room.


Kathy was sitting there, but our daughter, my daughter wasn't in the room.

"Hey." She yawned, and I walked over to her.

"Hi. How are you?" I questioned.

"I hurt, but you have a daughter." She smiled, and I bit my lip.

"You do too, Kathy." I sighed.

"I can't raise her, so I don't want her to know me. Let her grow up with Olivia as her Mom, or another woman." She stated, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We called your parents. They are on the plane coming back here. Um, I'm going to see my daughter." I spoke, my voice showing how annoyed I was.

"Can you sit with me? I don't want to wait here alone."

"You should've thought about that before you decided that our daughter isn't worth your time."

I turned and left, and she cried my name.


Olivia and I stood outside of the nursery where my daughter was laying in one of the cots. I looked at her with amazement, and Liv leaned over and kissed my cheek gently.

"She is beautiful." She smiled, and I kissed her lips before smiling.

"You know that Kathy doesn't want to be in her life..." I trailed off and she nodded.

"She's a bitch." She admitted, and I laughed.

"So, can you-"

"I'd love to help out with her." She smiled.

"I also need to name her."

"Can't help you there." She giggled, and I smiled.

We sat in silence, before I smiled.

"Maureen Nicole Stabler." I smiled, and Olivia grabbed my hand.

"I love it, and I love you." She spoke, before kissing me softly and letting out a sigh.

"Thanks for doing this with me, Benson."

"Anything for you, Stabler."

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