Chapter 15

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Elliot's POV

15 days and no Olivia. I hated it so much. I decided that maybe it was time to have the kids come see their mother, because we all need her back.

"Daddy, can I bringing something for Mommy?" Poppy asked, as she came into my bedroom. I was getting a few pictures around to leave with her.

"What were you thinking, Poppet?" I asked, as I walked over and picked her up. She giggled as I kissed her cheek.

"Maybe Mr. Oinkers?" She asked, talking about her favorite pig stuffed animal. She's had him since she was born, and can't sleep without him.

"Baby, you need him to sleep." I replied, and she nodded slowly.

"I can keep Mrs. Oinkers, so it is like he is here." She smiled, and I nodded slowly.

"If you want, sweetie." I spoke. She picked up a picture and looked at it.

"Is this Mommy?" She asked, and I leaned down and looked and smiled.

"Yeah. That is Mommy on our first date. Isn't she pretty?" I asked, and she nodded.

"She is pretty. Really pretty."

"You know, Poppy, you look a lot like your Mommy." I smiled. I looked at my daughter, and smiled. 

She has Liv's dark brown hair, and her dark brown eyes. She smiled like her, and laughed like her. She was like Liv's mini me.

"Daddy, we need to go!" Janey cried as she ran into the room. I smiled and grabbed her by her waist.

"Alright, go help Poppy get a stuffed animal to bring to Mommy, and then meet me down stairs."


It was hard to get the kids to stay calm as we walked through the hospital, but it helped a lot that Maureen was back home. She carried Quinn, while I held onto Janey and Poppy's hands, and Sam helped with August.

"I'm glad we didn't have anymore kids." I sighed under my breath, and Maureen chuckled as she looked at me.

I stopped them outside of Liv's door.

"Alright, remember that I told you Mommy isn't awake. She is still Mommy, but she is just really tired." I spoke, and Maureen frowned deeply.

Liv wasn't really Liv when she laid in there. She was just a shell of her former self, it hurt.

"Daddy, can I hug Mommy?" August asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, just be careful." I spoke, and sighed.

We went into the room, and the kids walked over to her quietly. Janey just barely touched her hand, as I took the pictures out and started to set them up. Maureen came over and helped.

"I always liked this picture." She whispered, as she pointed at the one I just sat down.

"Her face is priceless." I chuckled, and she nodded in agreement.


"Auggie, please calm down." Liv sighed, as she swayed with our son in her arms. He was fussy as usual, and wouldn't calm down for us to get our picture taken.

"Babe, want me to try?" I asked, as I stood next to Maureen and Sammy, who were both tired of this. I was too.

"I just want one good family picture, is that too much to ask?" She cried, and I walked over and took August from her, before gently kissing her cheek.

"Go get something to drink. Take the kids outside. I'll calm him down." I smiled.

I walked over and swayed as our 5 month old cried in my arms.

"August, you've gotta calm down, alright? Mommy is stressed and upset. She doesn't know yet, but she's pregnant again. I can tell." I breathed, and he looked at me with tear filled brown eyes. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

He gurgled as I continued to sway and talk to him. I kissed his forehead one last time, before Liv came in with the kids. She looked exhausted, and her eyes were still red.

"We are ready." I smiled.

Liv came over and kissed me softly, before taking August from me. I smiled and led them back over. We were in the middle of taking pictures, when I whispered to Liv.

"Congrats on the new baby, love." I smiled, and her face lit up, and her expression looked amazing when I told her.


I was still zoned out as I looked at the picture, that I didn't notice my other children come around me.

"Daddy, is Mommy ever gonna look like that again?" August asked, and I bit my lip.

"God do I hope so, little buddy." I spoke. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

"What did you say to Mommy to make her look like that?" Poppy giggled, and I smiled.

"I told her that Janey was in her belly." I replied, and Janey blushed and smiled.

"I miss Mom!" Sam cried out of nowhere, and I looked at him.

"I miss her too, Sam." I whispered, as I pulled him into a hug. It wasn't long before everyone was crying.

I looked over Maureen's shoulder and saw Olivia's lips twitch.

She's trying to get back to us. I moved away from my kids, and walked over to Olivia. I gently pushed her hair off of her forehead.

"Olivia, we love you more than words can describe. Now, all of us are here. Wake up for us. Please." I plead.

The kids came over and joined us. Each of them spoke to her, trying to say something that could wake her up. I was praying that one would work, but after about a half hour, Quinn was half asleep, and Poppy was yawning herself.

"Alright, I think it's time to go home. Come on." 

I got the kids together, and we left. As we walked out, Serena came towards us.

"Elliot!" She exclaimed, and I swallowed hard, but smiled.

"Hey, Serena. How are you?" I asked, as the kids stopped with me.

"I'm okay. Olivia?" She asked, as she looked at all of her grandchildren.

"She is the same. Um, kids, I think you need to meet her." I spoke, and they eyed her, hesitantly.

"Who are you?" Maureen asked, as she picked up Poppy.

"Um, I'm Serena. Your mother's mom." She replied.

"Our Grandma?" Auggie asked, and I sighed. Why was he so curious?"

"If you would like that." Serena smiled.

"Daddy, can she come to dinner with us? Maybe we can get to know her." Janey smiled, proudly. She was a lot like Liv.  She was forgiving, and I hope that Liv would forgive Serena in the future.

"Would you want to, Serena?"

"I'd love to get to know my grandchildren." She smiled. I pushed the kids towards the elevator, as they already started to talk Serena's ear off. I smiled and sighed.

I think Liv would be proud.

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