Chapter 1

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Elliot's POV

"Stabler!" Cragen called from his office and I sighed. I stood and walked towards his office.

"Yes, Captain?" I sighed, as I looked at him. Then I noticed the pain in his eyes.

"Captain?" I breathed, fear spreading to every ounce of my being.

"It's Liv." Was all he said.

"Where is she?" I whispered.

"Queen's General Hospital." He replied, and I quickly ran from his office and to my desk.

"Slow down, Stabler." Fin laughed, and I turned to him, glaring angrily.

"I can't be slow!" I spat, and he came over and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Liv got hurt. She's in the hospital and I HAVE to get to her!" I exclaimed, before pushing past him and running towards the elevator.

"Elliot, wait up!" Fin exclaimed.


Fin drove me to the hospital, and my body shook the whole way. I wasn't allowing myself to cry, but I was freaking out.

My Liv is hurt. Cragen wouldn't even tell me how hurt, but I wanted to die. 

Everything we have went through.

The pain. 

The suffering.

The love.

The good times and the bad ones.

We have been together forever and we had no plans on ending that, but now, I'm scared to death that I'm going to lose her.

Then I will for sure have nothing to live for.


"I-i'm looking for O-olivia B-benson." I stuttered, and everyone was running around and ignoring me.

"Please help me!" I exclaimed, as tears started to pour down my cheeks.

I watched as everyone ran around me, and I felt like I was in slow motion. Every move I made, made me feel like I was weighed down by bricks. 

"Okay, what did you need, darling?" A woman asked.

"I need to see Olivia Benson..." I trailed off as I quickly tried to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Relation?" She questioned, as she eyed me.

"I'm her long time boyfriend." I breathed.

"Sorry, family only." She sighed before turning away.

"I'm a Detective. She is a Detective. Just let me see my Liv!" I cried out. She turned around and looked at me with pity.

"Alright, follow me."


She led me down thousands and thousands of halls, yet it must've only felt like that. 

Try to get to Liv was the longest few minutes in my life. We finally got to the ICU room, and Liv lay in a bed.

"Is she going to make it?" I whispered.

"We don't know yet sir." She replied, before turning and leaving me alone. I quickly walked to her bedside, and slowly sat by her bedside.

"Liv." I cracked, and she was still laying there with her eyes closed.

I watched and a small smile spread over my lips as I thought about the first time we met, many years ago in high school.


"Hey, girl." I spoke, as I tried to shake this random girl awake. The bell had rang, and she was the only one still here.

I shook her again, and she yawned before slowly opening her eyes. Oh my lord. Those eyes were dark brown, and were stunning.

"What time is it?" She questioned, and then she quickly sat up.

"Shit!" She swore, before quickly gathering her things. She started to run from the room, and I ran after her.

"Wait up! What's your name?" I questioned, but she was too far gone. I sighed and walked to my locker. 

Something about that sleeping brown eyed girl interested me. I needed to know more.

I gave up on finding her until lunch. I was walking around with one of my buddies, and I saw her sitting in the darker corner of the lunch room.

"I'll catch you later." I spoke, and my friend followed my gaze.

"Ah, the mystery girl." He smiled.

"Why is she a mystery?" I questioned quickly.

"No one knows anything about her. She is always sitting over there by herself. She could have any boy she wants in this school, cause damn is she hot, but her silence is odd." He spoke, before clapping my shoulder and walking away. I watched him go to our usual table, and he gave me a thumbs up as I walked towards the far back table.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I questioned, and she looked at me, and shrugged.

"I guess, if you don't like conversations." She spoke, smiling slightly, before looking back down at her book. I sat down and started to eat my burger. I caught her looking at me, and I looked at her.

"Do you eat?" I questioned, and she shook her head.

"Not hungry." She lied, before flipping the page in her book.

"Are you sure? I got two of them. I'm not gonna eat the second one." I replied, as I grabbed the other one and handed it to her. She took it slowly and sat it down.

"Thanks." She replied quietly.

Just sitting in silence with her was better than sitting at my table.

"I'm Elliot by the way." I smiled.

"I know." She replied.

"Really?" I replied. I was excited that this mystery girl knew who I was.

"Yeah. Elliot Stabler. Quarterback. King of every dance. Dating Kathy, the lead cheerleader." She spoke, and I shrugged.

"Not really dating her." I replied, and she looked over her book for a moment.

"Sure." She spoke, and I smiled.

"And what is your name?" I questioned.

"Do you really want to know? Because no one really cares."

"I do. Who are you?"

"I'm Olivia." She smiled.

"Like Cher? No last name." I laughed, and she smiled, a real smile. It spread right to her eyes.

"No. Benson. I'm Olivia Benson. Invisible high school student. Lover of books. Badass in my dreams." She spoke, and I broke out laughing. She continued to smile, as she shut her book and started to eat the burger.

"I like that last part."

"Oh, most people do, but then they don't come back to my table."

"Well, Badass Benson, can I sit here again tomorrow?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I'd like that." She smiled.

She reached up and tucked some hair behind her ear, and I saw bruises and scars on her arm.

"Benson?" I breathed, and she quickly gathered her stuff.

"You didn't see a thing. If you say you did, I'll kill you with my bare hands." She hissed, before getting up and leaving quickly.

I frowned. I looked down at the table and saw her book. I grabbed it and put it in my backpack. Now I have a reason to talk to her again, even if she hates me.

Hey guys! New book! Super excited about it! If you read the description, I got this idea from a song, just like a few of my other books. Please vote and comment all of your feedback! :D

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