Chapter 13

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Elliot's POV

I sat looking at the love of my life, and I frowned. I had said some shitty things to her over the years, but she still managed to love me, and I her.

I can still remember the fight that almost broke us up. If only Serena wouldn't have scarred my Olivia when she was younger, and her thoughts about being a  mother wouldn't be broken.

"I'm sorry for what I said all those years ago. I didn't mean to make you feel like shit. And then again, I'm sorry for everything that I've said, and that has made you feel like you weren't a good mother, or a good woman. God, Liv, I love you no matter what. Just please wake up."


What I had said to my girlfriend made her hate me. She only talked to me when Maureen or Sammy needed something.

I walked up into our bedroom, and gathered some clothes for tomorrow. I grabbed my uniform, and some other items before laying them on the counter in the bathroom. I turned and walked into the bedroom. Liv stood there, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I love Maureen. I've taken care of her since the day she was born, and she is my daughter."

"Liv, I'm tired." I yawned, and she shook her head.

"No. We need to fight this out, because I have slept like shit since we started to fight. I can't sleep without you by me. I needed your warmth." She stated, and I nodded. I leaned against the dresser, and pointed to the bed. She sat down on it and I sighed.

"Go ahead. Yell at me. I'll take it all."

"Why do you think I love our daughter any less than Sammy?"

"Because when we were fighting, you didn't care that Serena knew anything about Maureen, but when you found out that she knew that Sammy was born, that you had been pregnant, you freaked the fuck out." I breathed, and she swallowed hard.

"Okay, maybe I was scared that she would want to be in contact with us because she did have a biological grandson."

"But Maureen isn't even close to a real member of your family, right?" I spoke, and she stood and slapped me.

I did deserve that. But then again, I wanted to know what was happening. I wanted to know why she said what she said.

"You are a bastard. I hate you." She seethed, and I shrugged.

"Hate me all you want, but I need to know. Liv, we've been together for 9 years. We've loved each other since the moment we met."

"So?" She hissed.

"So? You promised me that when I found out about Kathy, and her pregnancy, that you would raise my daughter with me, and you have. But does the fact that her first word was "Mama" not mean a fucking thing to you?"

"Elliot, I love her so much." She breathed, and I stood and pushed some hair behind her ear.

"I know you do, baby. I know." I spoke, and she started to cry.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her hair as she cried.

Now I hate myself for making the love of my life cry.

"Do you think she'll forgive me?"

"Baby, she's still your shadow." I chuckled, and she smiled.

"Yeah. Maybe she can sleep with us tonight?"

"She can have my side of the bed." I sighed.

"No. She can't. You are going to sleep on your side of the bed, El. I don't want you to sleep on that couch anymore. I want to have you sleep next to me for the rest of my life."

I tilted her chin up, and I kissed her lips. She deepened it, and I smiled as I pushed her away.

"I'll go get the kids." I spoke, and she nodded. I was out in the hall when she spoke.

"I love you!"

"Yeah, I guess I love you too, Olivia." I teased.


I sat Sammy on his feet, and I held both of his chubby hands, as I helped him walk around. He was taking unsure steps, but my almost one year old was doing a very good job so far.

"Mommy!" Maureen squealed, as she watched me and Sammy walk around.

"What, Mo?" Liv asked, as she came out of the kitchen, and wiped her hands on a towel.

"Look!" Maureen exclaimed, and Liv smiled.

"Look at my boys." She smiled, before walking over to us.

Liv sat down and Maureen joined her. I pulled Sammy onto my lap and kissed his mess of curls.

"Alright, Sammy, we are gonna do this. You are going to walk over to those beautiful women, and make Mommy and Mo so proud of you." I smiled, and the little boy giggled. I smiled and Liv looked at me with wide, expectant eyes.

"Let the wild boy go." Liv laughed, and I smiled.

I sat our son on his feet, and he turned his little head around to look at me. I gently pushed him towards Liv, and he started to walk.

Maureen and Liv kept telling him to go to them. 

His steps were shaky, but as I watched, my heart swelled.

This is my family. My soulmate. Our son. Our daughter. The most amazing family I could ask for.

"Daddy, look at Sammy!" Maureen squealed, and I blinked a few times and came back to reality and away from my thoughts.

Sammy was almost to Liv, and he was giggling uncontrollably. It was adorable.

It was one of the best memories that I have from before we welcomed our other children.


"Liv, Sam found out. He knows what happened, and he has to be so strong for a 10 year old." I whispered, as I held her hand. I let my lips brush across them gently, and I sighed.

"I wish that you would just open those beautiful brown eyes of your's, and let me see that smile."

I felt just the smallest amount of pressure from where I wrapped her fingers around my hand. I looked at her face, but nothing was happening there. I squeezed her hand and swallowed hard.

"Baby, come on. Babe, please wake up. We need you. All of us do. Quinn is just a little thing. She needs her Mommy. Maureen is having a hard time with leaving us to finish this year of college. Sammy is growing up too quickly, because I have to have him be brave. Auggie, Poppy, and Janey are scared of going to sleep because they think they won't wake up like you. Just come back to me, Liv. Come back to me."

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