Chapter 6

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Elliot's POV

I stood outside of Olivia's room and saw Maureen have a one sided conversation with her. My daughter's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and it broke my heart.

I knew that at some point, the baby sitter was going to have to come here with the other kids, but right now, I didn't want anyone to see Liv like this. I didn't even want to see her like this, but I made a promise to her, that even though we had no plans on getting married, I would stand by her side through anything. She's my girl, and that would never change, even if she might be in a coma, and the possibility of being in a permanent vegetated state was higher than wanted.


I yawned as I rolled over in my bed, and I sat up when I didn't find Liv sleeping on the other side.

Due to everything that had happened, and her mother still in jail, and her grandmother deciding that taking care of a independent teenager was too much, my parents said that Liv could stay with us, as long as she didn't get pregnant like Kathy did.

I looked around my darkened room, and when I didn't see her anywhere, I got up and left the room. I walked down the stairs, and saw Liv sitting on the couch, Maureen in her arms, and I smiled.

"Oh, Maureen. Thanks for spitting up on my shirt." Liv sighed, and I chuckled from where I stood. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey." She yawned.

"Hey. What are you two doing up?" I questioned, as I walked over to her.

"Maureen was hungry. You do remember that babies require food, right?" She teased, and I kissed her cheek gently and smiled.

"I do, but I can do this stuff." I spoke, and she shook her head.

"I said I was going to help you raise her, and I plan on it. She's my daughter too." She spoke, whispering the last part. I couldn't help but smile.

This girl who was invisible to the rest of the world was now in a relationship with me for almost 9 months, and she has smiled more in those 9 months than she has her whole life. Then she was helping me raise my daughter. She was being more of a mother to this little three month old girl than Maureen's own mother was.

"Well, let me take the little stinker, and you go change your shirt and get some sleep."

"But El, you have work early this morning." She replied slowly, and I shrugged.

"I'll be fine." I replied, before leaning in and kissing her.

She sighed and placed Maureen into my arms before getting up and heading upstairs.


With having to support an infant, Liv and I both worked. My mother was more than willing to watch Maureen while we worked, and she did tell me that she was proud of both of us for stepping up and taking care of the baby.

I walked into the 1-6 precinct where I was cleaning early mornings and late at night. I loved it here, because I also planned on becoming a detective when I'm older, and Liv does too, which seems odd since she is so quiet around people other than me and my family.

Olivia on the other had was working at a bodega from 8 in the morning till 5 at night. Then after that she went home and spent lots of time with Maureen, since we had only a month left before school started again.

I finished up the cleaning and was about to leave when one of the detectives stopped me.

"Son, what's your name?" he asked.

"Elliot Stabler, sir?" I questioned.

"How old are you?"

"17, sir." I breathed, and I started to get fearful that he was going to fire me because I was technically under-aged, but the man that hired me said that it wasn't like I was going to be fighting bad guys, I was only going to be cleaning up shit.

"Why did you want to work here?" He asked.

"Because I need the money."

"And why is that?" He spoke, and I looked at him with confusion.

"Because I have a daughter I need to support."

"See, that is what I'm talking about. A man actually taking charge of something." he spoke, and then that is when I realized there was a man in handcuffs, and I knew I was being a sample of a real man, compared to the man standing there covered in blood.


I drove home after working till noon, then got into the shower to wash the day off before spending time with Mo.

I went into my room and Maureen was sleeping quietly in her crib, and I walked over to her and gently kissed her forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open, and I smiled.

"Hi sweetie. I hope you don't hate me when you are older because I don't spend a lot of time with you at this age." I breathed, as I leaned down and picked her up. She grunted in my arms and reached up to grab the collar of my shirt. I smiled and kissed her tiny fist.

"Me and your Liv are doing this all for you. Well, I guess that Liv is your Mommy. So yeah, me and your Mommy are working hard just for you, sweetie. And we love you so much." I breathed, feeling chocked up.

Life wasn't going to be easy. You know, having a child at 17 isn't the best decision, but I wouldn't change my choice to keep her, nor to date Olivia.


I blinked back a few tears as I looked at Maureen sitting next to Olivia. She had brought pictures from college, and the thought of losing Liv, and only have memories was killing me.

"She's a fighter." Someone spoke, and I turned around to see Cragen.

"I know she is, Captain." I breathed, and he sighed as he moved to stand next to me.

"She isn't going to leave any of you."

"I hope not. Like, Mo is out of the house, but then there are the other kids." I breathed. He touched my shoulder and smiled gently.

"Something about you two makes me feel like you'll always be together forever, and be pains in my ass forever." he teased, and I laughed slightly, feeling a little bit of the pain and worry leave me.


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