"Good," Abbi grinned.  "There's no way she can say no if I'm there.  I mean, look at me."

"You look like a self-centered dork to me," I laughed, shoving her shoulder.  She shrugged.

"Shut up."

"We should probable get to class," I heard the bell ring.  Abbi nodded.

"Don't you dare leave without me after school," she pointed at me as she walked away.  "Or I will stalk you, Lindsey Fisher."

"That's comforting." With a small wave, I turned and headed towards chemistry class.  I had taken a step when someone smashed into me.  I jerked back in surprise, the kid's stuff falling all over the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so—Drew?" I frowned, falling to pick the stuff up.  He ran a hand through his hair, tossing me a flawless grin.

"Hey, Lindsey," he said.  "We just keep running into each other, huh?  Literally."

"Yeah," I said with a smile.  Wow.  I was getting pretty good at talking to him without feeling like I was going to vomit.  "Sorry."

"No problem," Drew straightened and held out his hand to help me up.  "I guess it's my turn to help you up this time.  Again."

"Funny," I caught his hand and hefted myself to my feet.  "Thanks."

"It's cool.  Next time watch where you're going," he said with a wink.  I rolled my eyes.

"Will do.  Now look.  You got me late to class," I cocked my head as the bell rang.

"Where you going to?" Drew asked.

"Chemistry," I said with a sigh.

"Ooh," Drew smirked.  "That's all the way on the other side of school."

"And you're going..."

"Study hall," Drew shrugged.  "Hate it, but gotta go.  So I guess I'll see you in gym?"

"Yeah," I smiled softly.  "I guess."

"Alright then," he waved.  "See ya, Fish."

Where had he heard that?

"Drew," I called down the hallway.  He turned.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Uh...Fish?" I felt my face go warm.

"I heard it from some girl...I think her name was Abbi," Drew shrugged.  "I think it's cute."  With one last grin, he was gone.

He thought Fish was cute?

Oh.  My.  God.

"I'm going to kill Abbi," I muttered to myself, turning and walking briskly to chemistry.


"You told him my nickname was Fish?" I glared at Abbi as I pulled out of her driveway.  She laughed.

"Did he call you that?  Oh my God, so worth it," She snickered.

"Shut up!" I put my sunglasses on and got on the main road.  "He called me Fish...and he said..."

"He said what?" Abbi grinned.  "'Lindsey, you are so amazing.  Kiss me!'"

"I said shut up!" I laughed.  "He said he thought it was cute."

"He did not!" Abbi cackled maniacally.  "This is why he is perfect."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, letting out a deep breath as I pulled into my driveway.  Abbi fell silent for a moment.

Once Upon A SurfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora