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Fuck it list...

I gave up on trying to convince Elton to admit that he was just playing a prank on me but he just wouldn't budge.

One of the worst parts about this is that Thanatos is gone. My beautiful little boy is gone.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where I see Colby making himself a bowl of cereal. I try to turn around and leave the room before he could see me but it's far too late.

"Casey! Hey!" Colby says excitedly. I turn around and awkwardly wave at him. "Hi." I reply. I grab a granola bar from the table and quickly turn back around and retreat to my room.

I hate how things have become between Colby and I but... what can I do to change it?

About an hour passes and I finally work up the courage to go talk to Colby.

I walk down the stairs and find Sam and Katrina sitting in the lounge.

"Hey. Uh... where's Colby?" I ask hugging myself.

"He said he was going to go record another 'adventure buddies' video. Some warehouse or something." Sam replies shrugging. I feel a sharp pang in my chest. Colby and I were gonna go back to record that video, but he's with Shay instead. I wasn't going to give up. I needed to talk to him now.

I quickly grabbed my car keys and ran outside. Started my car and drove to the warehouse. I circled the building till I saw Colby's car and parked right next to it. I'll wait for them here.. I don't want to ruin his video.

About half an hour later I see two flashlights heading directly towards me. I get out of the car and hug my arms to my chest... I should have brought a sweatshirt.

"Casey?" I hear Colby say clearly. "Colby. I... I needed to talk to you." "I'll just wait in the car." Shay mutters as she heads to the car next to mine.

"Casey, are you okay?" Colby murmurs as he moves closer to me. I press my back against my car door. "I'm fine." I sigh. Colby leans on my car next to me. "I need to tell you something. Um..." I pause. How do I word this exactly. "When I was... supposedly... 'dreaming' you and I were.... dating." I pause again waiting for his reaction. "Oh." Is all he manages to say. "And.. well... coming back to 'reality' I.. well... it's kind of awkward for me now." Colby sighs. He moves closer to me and bumps his shoulder into mine. I smile at his goofy gesture. "Let's just start over. Hi.. I'm Colby Brock." I chuckle a little before replying, "I'm Casey Castee, yes Elton's little sister." Colby laughs at that and I join him.

"Let's go home." Colby says still chuckling.  I nod my head as I push off of my car. Colby stands away from my car and actually takes a good look at it. "I like your car." He mutters. I nod my head and look back to my car, "Yeah a guess. It's an Audi A3."

(Just pretend that the background is at night)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(Just pretend that the background is at night)

I get into the car and start the engine. "See you at home." I say as I roll up my window that I forgot I left down.

I drive home feeling like I was high in the clouds. I felt a whole lot better after my conversation with Colby.

When I arrived at the house I could see Elton working on some stuff in the garage. I park my car and get out. I walk over to the front door and enter the house. 

"Hey! Did you find him?" Sam hollers from the sitting room. I walk into the sitting room with a smile stretching from ear to ear. "I'll take that as a yes." Sam says before he chuckles and I join in.

A few minutes pass and I hear the front door open and then close. Colby walks into the house and waves to us before trudging up the stairs to his room. I shake my head with a smile still etched to my face.

To be continued...

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My Heart My Story (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ