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Fuck it list...

"Alright what's next on our list, Elton?" Elton was packing a suitcase and trying to find a cord for his camera.

"Um... we're going to New Zealand. This Friday. Wait, what's today?" He asks staring at me. I shake my head and shrug. I pull my phone out and check the date. "Wednesday. Why are you so anxious?" I asked walking closer to him. Elton shakes his head and begins to pack his camera equipment. I put my hand over his and he looks up at me.

"Come on. Calm down. Relax, Elton. You've got two days to pack. What's the rush?" I try to calm him down and he smiles at me. "I know. I'm just so stressed. I'm worried that Corey won't be ready on time." Elton replies. He chuckles a little. "So Corey is coming too?" I ask. Elton nods his head. "Along with Sam and Colby." I furrow my brow. "Sam and Colby? How come I've never met them?" I ask.

I knew who Sam and Colby were. My brother's friend Corey invited them, along with us, to be his new roommates in the mansion. It's only been the second day of living here so I haven't met them yet. All of yesterday I was trying to set up my room that was near my brother's. I met Corey and Devyn a while before we started to move into the mansion so I knew them fairly well.

"Yeah... I don't know..." Elton says dramatically and I playfully punch his arm. He chuckled before I walk out of his room to mine across the hall.

I closed my door and began to roam through Tumblr on my laptop.

My brother Elton is twenty-six. Six years older than me. I am twenty, my birthday was December 9th.

I decided to start packing my bags, because unlike my brother, I actually need two days to pack. Girl probs.


We woke up at like five o'clock so we'd have loads of time before our flight. Strangely enough I still haven't met Sam or Colby. I lugged my slightly over packed suit case down the wooden stairs and stopped at the bottom. So far I hadn't heard or seen anybody yet.

Where the hell are they?

I leave my luggage by the door and walked into the living room. I see Elton sitting on the couch fiddling around with his laptop.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask, but I already guessed that he was editing something. "Eh." He murmured, obviously he didn't want to talk. I plop my butt down on the sofa right next to him. He mumbles something incoherently and I shrug. I pull out my phone and start scrolling through my Facebook feed. I had a ton of notification that I didn't care enough to view. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs then a second set of footsteps following close behind. I look up from my phone at the same time as Elton looks up from his laptop.

Two guys show up around the corner. They see us and walk over. One had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The other had brown hair and ocean like eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off the brunette. He was looking at Elton with a huge smile on his face.

"You ready for this trip guys?!" Elton nearly shouted. The two guys erupted with cheers and I giggled causing them to look at me. My cheeks flared up with heat. I smiled brightly.

The brunettes eyes widened slightly before he masked it over with a cheery smile.

"Oh! Right you haven't met yet! Guys this is my little sister Casey. Casey this is Sam and Colby." Elton introduces the blonde as Sam and the brunette as Colby. Ahh I see.

"Hi. I'm so excited for this trip!" I exclaimed and both the boys' eyes widen. "She's coming too?" They both ask in unison. I furrowed my brow and looked at Elton. "Uh, yeah she is. Did I forget to mention that?" Elton mutters rubbing the back of his neck. Right then Corey waltzes into the room. I smile at Corey and he returns the smile.

"New Zealand here we come!!" I yell. The boys find their voices and join my cheers with their own.

After the flight...

We landed in New Zealand at around seven in the morning. We got through I can't even remember what at around nine, and not even an hour later, Elton already dragged us out for some random adventure.

He explained all this for his video.

"It's an hour later and I thought the first thing we'd do is... jump off that building above you." He points the camera to the top of the building and all three of the guys start to freak out. I look up to the top of the building and shrug. I look back to Elton as he points the camera to me.

"No biggie." I shrug again and my brother's mouth drops. The guys around me stare at me like I was insane. "She's got more balls than any of us!" Elton shouts and we all burst out laughing. Sam and Corey take off running until we can no longer see them behind a wall. They do this for a while and Colby speaks up.

"Do they think that just running around this little wall they're gonna hide?" Colby asks while chuckling.

"I don't know." Elton asks laughing as well. I shake my head and look back up to the top of the building.

We head inside and the people that work there begin to hook us up with some jumpsuit of sorts.

"Ugh! I look so ugly in this thing!" I complain. Colby snickers next to me but doesn't say anything. His cheeks were tinted pink. I felt my own cheeks heat up.

We make it to the top of the building and we let Corey go first because he was the most scared.

We watch as Corey solemnly waves before he falls over the edge and starts plummeting towards earth. Sam goes after him falling the same way. Then Colby goes. The after Colby it's my turn.

"Good luck, sis." Elton says giving me a quick hug. And shake my head at him, "I don't need luck." I explain and he laughs at me.

As I walk out to the platform with my GoPro on my hand I look out at New Zealand. The view from up here was absolutely beautiful. The wind whipped my hair around my face making my cringe when it hit me. I came to the end of the platform and gave my camera a quick thumbs up before the guy gently pushed me over the edge. Unlike the others I don't scream as I go down. I yell with satisfaction.

"WOOO HOOOO!!!" I shout until I feel my feet collide with the trampoline type thing.

"Nice jump, how was it?" The guy asks as he unhooked me. "Freaking insane!" I exclaim.

Shortly after Elton comes down we all leave the area to go to the bridge that we are bungee jumping off of.

"You guys ready for round two?" Elton asks. I nod my head as the others disagree.

"Damn my sister is a warrior and you guys are a bunch of pansies." I chuckle as the others pretend to pout.

To be continued...

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