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Hello! Welcome to the character interview! We have some questions that we are gonna ask you guys!

Bring it on! -Colby

We can deal with that. Maybe. -Elton

But I've barely been in the book.. -Corey

Just be a good sport, Corey. -Devyn

Let's get this going! -Casey

First question! Elton!

Yes?! -Elton

This question is from @Solbrin! They asked, 'Are you okay with them marrying for real?'

Absolutely..... not........

Yet. -Elton

I think this one is just for everyone... this question is from @http_kodabear! 'What the hecking heck is going on?'

Honestly we aren't too sure. -Casey

The author is a little strange when it comes to writing. -Colby

She just writes whatever idea goes on in her head. -Elton

Honestly... I think she's a little crazy. -Corey

She's probably possessed. -Sam

You think everyone is possessed. -Katrina

Who said Katrina was allowed to be here?! -Colby

She's my girlfriend! Your girlfriend is here! -Sam

That's because my girlfriend is the star of the book! Your girlfriend wasn't in it until now! -Colby

Guys stop. I'll be in the other room. See you when you get done, Sammy! -Katrina

Bye babe! -Sam

Anyways. Moving on! This question is for Devyn! 'Devyn do you like Casey?' By @DareDevilAnna15.

Yeah I like Casey! I mean she does Colby's dishes for him so I'm not complaining. -Devyn

Wait! You do Colby's dishes?! I thought he just cleaned up his act. -Elton

(Ba dum chiii!)


Don't ever do that again.

It's a good pun! Liza would be proud! -Elton

Next question. Elton! Why do your pranks go on for so long?

Because I like watching people suffer. -Elton

Alright. 'COLBY you planning on having kids?'

I hope one day. Eventually. -Colby

(Colby blushed deeply and so does Casey. Elton rolls his eyes.)

'Uncle Elton do you want to be an uncle?'

Hopefully someday but not anytime soon. -Elton

(Elton glares at Colby.)

'Elton are you going to kill Colby if Casey gets pregnant.'

Yes. -Elton

(Colby gulps)

'Elton did you suspect that there was something going on between Colby and Casey.'

I did. Ever since they met I knew something was gonna go down. And I was right as always. -Elton

You're almost never right. -Casey

So you think. -Elton

'Elton, how did you meet Sam and Colby.'

Vine. And that's all I have to say. -Elton

Party Pooper. 'Colby, how long were you planning on asking Casey to marry you?'

Um. Since the prank war started. -Colby (winks)

'Aaron, how is it in the house? Is it rowdy with all the couples there?'

Sometimes. Casey and Colby are very competitive and they both love video games. So you can see where that goes. -Aaron

That's all the time we have for the questions! Thank you all for participating in commenting your questions! Some of them I was unable to answer because I didn't want to give out too much detail until the next chapter.

Thank you! -Colby

We had a lot of fun! -Casey

I wasn't even asked a question... :( -Corey

Fine. How good are you at dancing.

I'm the best! ^_^ -Corey

Tune in next time on My Heart My Story!

I love my friends! -Sam

We get it! -Everyone else

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