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Fuck it list...

"Come on, Elton! It's not even that high up you idiot!" I exclaim. Elton laughs at me and I just glared at him.

We had already finished the bungee jumping and we were making our way back down. Elton was being an idiot as usual.

Once we got back to the ground the guys wanted to mess around with these huge cinder blocks. They ran across them and did front flips and weird tricks like they were parkour experts. I was sitting by the sideline laughing at them.

Fun Fact! I am actually a professional parkour performer, but I'm not much of a show off and I don't really like being put on the spot. Which is why Elton put me on the spot.

"Guys! Wait, come here." He gains everyone's attention, even my own. "My sister, is a professional parkour-ist..." he said the last part like he was unsure of his terminology.

"No." I simply say. The other guys were already gaping at me like they wanted something. "Can you show us?" Colby asks. I look at him and immediately blush at his enthused expression. He is absolutely adorable.

"Oh god! What have I gotten myself into?" I ask myself. I push myself off the ground and make my way to a cinder block. I climb on top of it. I turn to look at the guys before I do an advanced side flip off the block and land on my feet finishing with a lite roll. I cross my arms and glare at my brother. The others start clapping. I take a quick bow before I pull Elton, along with the others, towards our hotel.

We are all lounging around in the hotel room when Elton turns his camera on. We start talking about the day with the thirteen hour flight, the jumping from building, and the bungee. Then he explains something that we were not expecting.

"Tomorrow we're going to go get our camper." We all stare at him dumbfounded. Elton laughs at our expressions.

"This is the last good nights sleep we're gonna have!" Sam complains and we all groan in unison.

Elton turns the camera off and plops down on the bed next to me. He sighs from boredom and exhaustion.

"Alright. Sleeping arrangements. Casey and I will sleep in this bed." Elton points to the bed on the right, closest to the window. "Then Sam and Colby can sleep there." He points to the only other bed. Then he looks at Corey. "I'll sleep on the couch." Corey sighs. I giggle at his aggravated face. Then I feel a pair of icy eyes on me. A blush creeps up to my cheeks and I try not to look, but my eyes can't help but glance at the owner of the icicle eyes. I catch Colby's gaze and his cheeks tint pink before he shyly turns away. I look back to Elton and decide to push him off the bed.

Elton was laying on his back with his eyes closed. I outstretched my leg in a pretend attempt to push him to the floor. My foot connects with his hip. I push with all my might and Elton tumbles to the floor. Colby starts laughing causing Corey and Sam to stop their conversation. They see Elton stand up from the floor and furrow their brows.

"She kicked him off the bed." Colby explains after his laughter dies down.

"You are so gonna get it now!" Elton yells and I yelp trying to scurry away from him but he catches my wrist and pulls me back to him. He begins to tickle my sides till I can barely breathe making my sides hurt. "Okay! Okay! Uncle Elton!" I scream and he stops his tickle torture. I try to catch my breath and glare at him.

"I hate you." I was going to recycle Corey's words from earlier.

"You love me?"

"I hate you."

"Oh you love me."

"I love you. But I hate you, and you broke my body." I explain and Corey starts cracking up.

The next day...

"There she is!" Elton exclaims pointing to our camper. We all make our way towards the camper and Sam takes the keys. He starts to go to the left side of the car but Elton stops him. "Where you going Sam? They drive on the right side of the car!" Sam stops in his tracks and looks at the car. "I knew that!" He exclaims walking back to the right side of the car.

We all get inside the RV type vehicle.

"There's two beds, but the couch turns into a bed so there's technically three." Elton explains whiling turning off his camera. Elton and I claim the bed at the back of the camper, Sam and Colby claim the bed above the driver and passenger's seat, and Corey gets the sofa bed.

"Elton? How exactly am I going to get in my daily exercise if we're in here?" I ask crossing my arms. But before he can suggest something I already put my hand over his mouth to stop him. He licks my hand but I don't cringe at it. Instead I remove my hand and wipe it over his beard. He steps back and I chuckle while wiping the rest of his spit off on my jeans.

Colby was currently lounging around on him and Sam's bed. Sam and Corey were having a heated discussion about god knows what on the sofa. Elton takes a seat at the drivers seat and begins to drive the camper to our first destination. I climb up the ladder to where Colby was sitting.

"Do you mind?" I ask sending him a sheepish smile. He shakes his head, probably confused by what I was doing.

I hang my body over the edge of the raised level, the only thing keeping me from falling was my legs hooked over the edge. I could feel them slightly slipping, until I felt a pair of hands hold them in place. I pull my body up to see Colby holding my legs down. He smiles at me.

"Thanks." I mutter. "No problem." I cross my arms over my chest and begin to do in the air crunches.

That's as good of a workout I'll get, I guess.

To be continued...

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