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Fuck it list...

"Mom! Why did you invite Colby to go shopping with us?" I exclaim shoving my wallet into my purse. "Because I figured I would like to get to know him a little bit more. Now hurry up and get into the car."

Colby slides into the drivers seat, completely oblivious to my mom and I's short conversation. My mom practically shoved me into the passenger seat as she scoots her way into the back. Colby drives us to the closest mall.

Ahh the mall! Home of our many public disturbance vines!

Oops wrong story.

Colby parks the car in the enormous parking garage.

"Let's just hope we don't lose the car." I mutter. Colby chuckles, "I think I'll leave my phone in the car so we can track it from your phone." Colby suggests. I nod my head in agreement. "Let's just hope we don't lose you." I nudge him with my elbow. Colby chuckles again. My mom sighs dramatically behind us.

We all make our way to the mall entrance. My mom immediately runs to the first shop she sees which just so happens to be a bridal shop. I walk in after her and am immediately blinded by the unusually bright white dresses.

"Mom, why are we in a bridal shop?" I ask crossing my arms. "Maybe I wanted to role play. Excuse me! Ms! Can we get my beautiful daughter into a beautiful gown?" A lady walks over to us and examines me up and down. "I have just the dress."

The lady shoves a golden dress into my arms and pushes me into a dressing room.

I sigh... might as well go along with whatever my mom is doing. I undress and slip the lacy dress over my body. I hugs me tightly in all the right places but I can't zip it up in the back.

I quietly open the dressing room door an peek out. My mom sees me and rushes over. "What's wrong dear?" My mom asks. "I can't zip it up." I reply. "Oh don't worry." She waves her hand and closes the door again. I stand there holding the dress up wondering what the hell my mom is planning.

A knock resounds on the door and I open it without thinking. Colby is standing outside the door with his hands over his eyes. "Colby what are you doing here?!" I exclaim. Colby shrugs, "I don't know your mom is very persuasive. She insisted that I help you." I sigh. Holding the dress up with one hand I use my other to pull Colby's hands away from his face. He slowly opens his eyes and sighs deeply to see that I'm not completely undressed. "I'm not naked or anything." I mutter. "Just quickly zip up the back of my dress so we can get this over with." I turn around and reveal my slightly bare back to Colby. I feel his hands graze slightly over my skin as he searches for the zipper. When he finds it he begins to zip up the back of the dress once again grazing my back with his hands this time sending a chill up my spine. "There... done." I hear him gulp slightly. I turn around to face him and I can see him visibly clench his jaw. He looks down at the dress and how it hugs my body and he lifts his hands as if to place them around my waist but he resists himself and lowers his hands back to his sides. "Um... you look... amazing." I blush at the compliment. "Thanks."


Finally my mom is satisfied with my new wardrobe and we get back to the house. As it turns out my mom thought that Colby and I were dating because Elton told her that he interrupted our 'date' with his phone call. I'm going to seriously castrate him now.

Colby and I have been awkward ever since. "Let's just pretend that never happened." I had said.

Colby came up to me a little later and said, "Let's put that little moment aside and bond over rocket league." I scoffed, "I don't know what 'little moment' you're talking about but I will happily join you for some rocket league."

Now Colby and I sat smashing our controllers trying desperately to get the ball into the goal.

"No no no no no no!! Wrong goal you idiot!" I nearly yelled. Colby chuckles, "more points for me!" "Oh whatever! That's just one more point to you. You'll need five more to catch up to me!" Finally the game ended and I won with an intense lead.

"Ha ha! I told you that I would win!" I shout. Colby grumbles and crosses his arms. "Oh don't be a party pooper it was fun." I exclaim but I hadn't realised that his pout was a distraction to get me to lose my guard. Before I could comprehend what was happening Colby was on top of me tickling my sides. I screeched loudly as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he wouldn't give up. "Say I'm the best rocket league player!" He shouts still tickling my sides. I begin to start crying from the amount of laughing I was doing. "Never!" I manage to shout. He tickles me more fiercely and I start kicking at him until eventually he stops. He pants, "tickling is so tiring." He complains. I chuckle and little more before I completely go limp. To much exercise.

"See now that's why I mistakenly thought you two were dating." My mom shouts from the doorway.

Both of our faces go red hot.

To be continued...

My Heart My Story (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora