Walmart Worker

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"I see you're a happy camper and ready to have an eventful carnival day," I chuckle as I review Nyla's attire which is a bright hot pink sundress with a white cashmere cardigan and white sandals. Her curly puffy hair is styled into two neat ponytails with a pink headband.

"Should I change?" She questions confusingly looking down at her outfit. I quickly shake my head no, she looks beautiful and comfortable.

"No, you look very beautiful and preppy," I chuckle guiding her towards my car. She still looks down at her sandals and cardigan, I may have made her 2nd guess things. I frown upon her discouragement.

"You look perfect Nyla, I was just saying that you're prepared for today's festivities," she nods in understanding and looks at what I am wearing which is a casual Ralph Lauren navy blue collared shirt with some khaki skinny jeans and some very expensive gym shoes. Maybe Balenciaga?  I never know.

"You look like you work at Walmart, and high? Are you high?" She giggles as my face scrunch up at that interpretation.

"Hey, maybe I do and maybe I am," I chuckle playfully.

"Joking, you look nerdy and boyish and you're definitely high." She chuckles and I smirk and nod. I am definitely stoned, got high with Ky this morning and I have to say, it feels incredibly good because I haven't had a joint for a while and today was kinda a great opportunity.

"And here, to top your look," she digs deep into her purse and pulls out a....button? She pins it carefully onto the collar of my shirt, trying so hard not to distract or poke me as I drive. Once she's done I quickly take a look down at the button.

"Black lives matter?" I chuckle hysterically. I mean, look at me, of course, I'm not prejudiced. Hello...Nyla? And I totally stand behind the movements when they are displayed on social media and television but...

"Uh, Nyla, I'm..."

"White, I know but it doesn't mean you can't wear the button," I laugh at her gift and play with the button.

"Thanks, Nyla," I grin brightly at the offer.


We didn't necessarily make it to lunch due to me taking my time sweet time doing my hair. I didn't want to meet up with Ky and her annoying friends too early, especially Jonnie, since she and I had that 1 night stand thing, everything has been off and awkward every time we get around each other.

"Can I just stop and get some cotton candy!?" I groan as she drags me to another ride. I can see the long line forming already from little brats that want candy so badly.

"Look at the line," she pouts. I glance at the 20 people already. Maybe if we got in line 13 minutes ago I would have gotten my cotton candy by now. I pout-sticking out my bottom lip to look irresistible. I guess I looked too irresistible because Nyla steps forward and places a kiss on my lips. She chuckles and pulls away.

"Why so tense?" She giggles while pulling me towards the line. I honestly don't know why I tensed up.

"What color? They have Blue raspberry, cherry vanilla, oh they have a new color! Chipper coconut-gourmet," she continues to read and all I could do was stare.

"I'll pay," I state casually reaching for my wallet. But she shakes her head no.

"I have it, it's just $4.50," she shrugs taking out her small wallet from her purse and paying the lady the money. I didn't necessarily have a problem with her paying, okay well maybe I did have a problem with her paying.

"Omg, its Deck Gurey," a little girl says while smiling. I smile back, I hate children. Nyla wraps her arms around my arm as the little girl request for a picture. Nyla face lights up once I said yes. Nyla grabs my cotton candy and shoves me to embrace the little girl as the girls' dad and mom pull out their phones to snap a few pictures.

"She has a lot of Cosmogirl and Teen Vogue magazines," the father whispers to me as his wife snaps a pick of all three of us. I don't understand why he has to take a pick also. Does he read Cosmogirl Magazines also.

"From your recent encounters in those magazines- I think it reveals things that could be bad influencing children, don't ya think?" The father rambles quickly and lowly. I shift a bit to stare at him. Is he fucking kidding me right now!

"Not really a good father, let your daughter wear makeup at the age of, what is she, 8? " I mutter and pull away from the girl abruptly and grab Nyla-pulling her along.

"What did that guy say to you? I saw him whisper something," she questions confusingly pulling at my wrist. She seems so invested that she doesn't break her stare upon me, seeing she's a bit short and I'm so fucking tall, which is a fucking curse/ a blessing.

"He basically told me that I'm not a good influence on the youth," I state not too bothered or interested in talking with her about this. I guess that infuriated her because her face scrunched with an offensive reaction.

"What! Did that son of a bitch really say that!?" She questions, but she doesn't wait for my response to her reaction, rather takes things into her own hands. She lets go of me and storms off after the family of three. I quickly chase after her and grab her waist to stop her. I bring her small figure to lean against me, hoping it'll bring down her anger.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Nyla, it's okay! It didn't bother me. That guy is probably cheating on his fucking wife and that asshole of a child is probably not his," I huff out. Nyla observes me, turning in my arms to stare up at me.

"Deck, if it bothers you I can beat the-" I chuckle at her due to her trying to squirm out my grasp and her being entirely too little. The guy could have sat on her and smothered her.

"Nyla, you're like 4'1! I'm sorry, but the closest thing you could have possibly done was kicked him in the fucking nuts," I chuckle at her feisty attitude towards the guy.

"Never judge a short person, they're the ones closer to hell," she chuckles while taking some of my cotton candy and one of my licorice. I place a kiss onto her nose because she's just so adorable, I swear. On our way to the most famous and biggest ride in the amusement park, I spot Jay! Looking like a lost dog with her little sister attached to her side. Jay doesn't spot me fast but her sister does and runs over to me and smiles.

"Hi, Deck!" She greets enthusiastically.

"Hey kid," I smile. She leans in to give me a hug, unexpectedly. I just stand there awkwardly. I couldn't do anything but stand there, I hate children so feeling a warmth from this makes me nervous. Is Nyla changing me?

"Where did Nyla go?" She questions confusingly looking behind me. I turn and look over my shoulder for Nyla, I actually didn't feel or see her leave from my side.

"I don't know but let's go mess with your sister!" I grin deviously as we slowly approach a confused Jay. Her back is turned so she doesn't necessarily see us coming.

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