You Don't

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I didn't appreciate Matty giving my gig away, but he asked me to come in today because he has some news for me. I sit at his desk as I chew his gum and play with the multiple pens inside of the cup.

"Feet off desk, butt out my chair and my gum out your pocket," he orders as he walks through his glass doors. I get out of his chair but I don't return his gum. I actually like this "passion fruit" flavor.

"Okay, what's new?" I question as  I wait for him to speak, but he doesn't pay me any mind, he's too invested into his phone.

"Hellooo!" I call out annoyedly. He sits his phone down and gives me his undivided attention.

"So I was talking with a Hollywood producer and there's this new movie coming out about fighting aliens or something and they want you in the leading role," he smiles as he hands me the contract and reviews. It takes me awhile to process this information he just dropped on me.

"W-Wait seriously!?" I question shockingly as I quickly grab the papers and skip through the pages. He nods with the biggest smirk on his face.

"And you'll be working along Johnny Depp." I loose my shits after that.

"Holy shit!" I yell excitedly. I look over the terms and conditions and the script.

"You fly to Los Angeles for a month or so to train with a coach and shoot one or two scenes. Then it's off to Thailand for a couple of months to shoot a few scenes there. Once you guys wrap things up there, then it's back to L.A baby! The maximum time for this project is 6-8 months," he explains, but I got stuck on the switching continents and states part.

"Thailand? Los Angeles?" I question as I swallow a big gulp.

"Yeah, it's great isn't it? This is a huge opportunity for you, right?" I nod, but deep down I'm panicking. 6-8 months? Away from home and family? Away from Nyla? We just started things, I can't just up and leave so soon. Relationships don't work overseas.

"Now I talked to Rob, and he said shooting starts next month, but he wants you at a meeting with the cast next week, if you approve, which you are right?" He question, I don't necessarily answer too soon because this is all still a shock to me. "Right?" He repeats, throwing a worried glare. I slowly nod while swallowing a lump caught in my throat.

"Great, you just have to sign a few agreements. I swear this is huge for you..." he continues but I zone out.


"You're tasting cakes already!? You just got engaged like 2 weeks ago," I groan out as Ollie slowly drives us to the Bakery. It's one of the bakery's that was on her suggestion list. I sigh loudly at her driving, I swear she drives like Ms.Daisy. I don't even know who Ms.Daisy is, but Nyla swears I drive like her:

" It takes about 7 months to plan a wedding Deck, so that means I have to get things scheduled leading up to the day," she explains as she stops at the light and pat her steering wheel to the low hip hop music playing on the radio.

"So is Chris meeting us there?" I question, because she did mention he was to meet us there.

"Yeah, hopefully he doesn't run late," she frowns as she begins to pull into the bakery and glance for a park.

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