Stoned and decent

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I arrive at the agency annoyed by my manager's presence already, yet I haven't seen him yet. I pass by many people that greet me and in return, I throw my usual warm smile.

"Hey Deck, how are you today?" Carmen greets and questions enthusiastically. Carmen is the peppy front desk assistant for Voúrish. She's annoying at times, but you can't really hate her because it's her job to smile and greet you with a "positive attitude".

"Stoned and, well, pretty decent," I answer truthfully while giving her a toothy smile. I throw her a flirtatious wink. She nods with a huge grin plastered on her face and a light pink blush. Awn, she's blushing for me.

"Don't let Matty hear you say that you are completely high," she calls out as I walk toward his office. I shrug carelessly because that's exactly how I feel, careless. I've come into this office higher than Charlie Sheen majority of my time here and Matty always ask the same dumbass question.

"Are you high?" I stare hesitantly at him and then advert my eyes elsewhere. I can feel his eyes stare deeply at me. I pull my eyes from his and glance at the multiple awards that are hanging on the wall. He doesn't just work with the modeling agency he works with the music industry also. Making loads of money off us dumbasses.

He's what the industry call's a "millionaire militia-tasker", but I call him a "fucking money hungry leprechaun midget" because well he is pretty short and grumpy. Anyone could say the only thing he truly cares about is his money.

"Are you low?" I question sarcastically while breaking out into fits of laughter at his short height and his pretty neat toupee. I swear he doesn't have one of those cheap knockoff hair pieces! This one is legit and you could never tell the differences. For a while, I didn't even notice until I walked into his home without knocking and saw him getting it "pampered" by one of his maids. Would suck to be in their predicament.

"Damnit' Deck! I told you don't come into my place of business high off your ass! Why does everything I say go in one ear and out the other!" He yells angrily. I couldn't do anything but stare and make fun of how when he talks his lips sorta travel sideways and makes it look as if his jawline is crooked a bit.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I speak while snapping out of my daydreaming and nod to his obvious question.

"You weren't paying attention, were you?"

"Nun uh," I state as I stare at his furious glare. I try to mimic it but he pulls it off so well that it's hard.

"Well I know you aren't going to be acting like this when I tell you that you're being cut from this seasons photo shoots." I wasn't paying attention then. Man, I really need to pay ducking attention sometimes. It took me some time to re-evaluate what was stated. Marty give me this stern and serious look (like always). I fully give him my attention as I try to comprehend what was just stated.

"Wait, what! I'm being cut from the summer collection!" I yell angrily. He shrugs and leans back in his chair.

"Yes! You can thank yourself for your actions lately! I found someone else for the Macy's catalog," I stare at him baffled and annoyed. I know there's a huge smile behind that clenched jaw,

"That's bullshit! Do you know how much they were offering me!"

"Yeah and now Claudia has twice as much as your offer!" He adds crossing his arms.

"But hey! Look on the bright side, you just got a little vacation!" He smirks deviously, almost as if he's taunting me. I would so pick up this stupid toy thing and bring it to his face, but I'm already on probation and I don't need any more trouble upon me. So I mature myself and storm out the office before I did something I would not regret.

My cell vibrates but I ignore it, it can wait! it continually rings so I just answer it.

"What!" I yell angrily into the cell feeling sorry for the person on the other end.

"What a rude way to answer the phone you little faggot!"I don't really feel like playing with Lip right now. I really want to hang up on him, maybe even block him, because that is my mood right now.

"What dude!" He chuckles coldly at my annoyed tone. If he was here, this would be the part where I punch him, but unfortunately, he's not.

"What's wrong kid?" He cheers into the phone. Why does he have to be happy right now? I don't want to be around anyone or anything that's happy right now.

"Ugh, I'm hanging up due to your bullshit cheerfulness."

"Wait, no no no no! There's a hosting tonight," he sings. I'm pretty sure everyone knows Lip is the go-to guy for parties. He knows every event, the time and location. I like hanging with the guy because we switch from 8 after parties in one night. But what I hate about that is that he always gets so fucking drunk to where he can't walk and I have to carry him around or get help from a stranger. It's ridiculous.

"I can't party tonight, I have a date dude." I begin to hang up the phone, but he pleads for me to stay on the line.

"Bring her! She'll love to party with DECK GUERY!" He basically yells loudly in my fucking ear.

"No, especially not around you! You-drunk is terrible and you want to fuck anything walking dude, and I can't have you taking my date again! This time I'll actually beat your ass!" I yell angrily into the phone in a warning voice.

"I'm not gonna steal your girl, again! And I promise I won't get AS drunk as I usually do." I know it's bullshit he speaks! He always tells me he's going to have one to two beers and no vodka or tequila, but ends up doing 10 shots of tequila and chugs a bottle of vodka in seconds, it's terrible. I think he's on the verge of becoming an alcoholic which is not a good thing for his kid. Oh by the way he has a son, he's 4 years old.

"Okay dumbass. How's River?" I question referring to his kid. I actually like the little goblin. He's always smiling. He's a very happy kid with adorable chubby cheeks.

"He's good! His mom won't let me see him until next week."

"Doesn't that make it a month?" A month since he last saw his kid. His baby's mother is such a bitch. She rarely lets him see his kid and she constantly requests him to throw her stacks of money whenever. She's so demanding and psychotic, literally! But then again, Lip isn't the best parent, he'll choose a night out with the guys over his kid anytime.

"Yeah, but it's good. I'm just happy she's letting me keep him for awhile." I could tell he was smiling strongly which was great- on his end.

After Lip hung up, I text Nyla that I'm picking her up by 8 PM and that it's going to be great to see her. Especially on something besides that fucking bright neon volunteer shirt.

ME: Picking you up at 8! Neon green oversized shirts are banned from where we're going :)

NYLA: Hey! That was my go-to top ;)

Cut the Deck (Lesbian Story) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon