➹ I guess we are both runaways ➹

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It's about maybe 10:00pm as the train continues on the endless tracks. I have been just sitting looking at the countryside and the night sky for about a few hours. I wonder what everyone at home is thinking or if anyone is even worried about where I am. Why I should I care about what there thinking I did this for myself not for anyone else. They should have expected that I would do this anyway.

Deciding that I should get some sleep I go further back into the train and lay on the car floor using my backpack as a pillow. It maybe slightly uncomfortable to lay in here but as I said this is my home for awhile and I am not going to be picky about it. My mind begins to drift elsewhere as I feel my eyes close and get heavy. Dreams are interesting to think about because they can either be good or bad. They also can show us things that we wouldn't expect could happen.

➸ • ➸ • ➸ •

I feel the train come to a jerking halt. Looking out the car I see that it has to be about midnight or early in the morning since it is still dark out. I wonder why it stopped that's when I hear people voices coming closer.

"Check the cars to make sure no one has hitched a ride." A male says to another. That's my queue to hide and hope I don't get caught. I go to the very corner of the train car and quietly hide behind some crates. A flashlight shines in and I hold my breath as the light keeps getting closer and closer.

"Is it all clear?" The other asks waking back towards my car. The one shining the light out of the train car answering yes to the question.

I wait to see if I can hear anymore footsteps and hear nothing so I make my way back to the opening. The men appear to be gone now so I am safe. If they did catch me I would just try to catch another train anyway. The train starts to start up again and we start to slowly move again. I look out to see someone running to catch up to the train. It's dark but I can see that it's boy probably around my age carrying a backpack.

He getting closer to my train car and he looks up at me before throwing his bag up. "Here I can help you up." I stretch out my hand to the mystery boy. He takes it and I help pull him into the car.

"Thanks." He says out of breath from running. Now that we are closer I can see that he has long hair that falls into his face and maybe either green or brown eyes. He looks kind of cute in the dark.

"No problem." I replied back to him before sitting back down. "So why are you here on this fine train?" I ask a bit sarcastically.

"Running away I suppose. What about you?" He asks me turning in my direction.

"Running away I suppose." I see his mouth for a small smile. "I am Blair by the way."

"Ash." He replied.

"Well Ash I guess we are both runaways now." I say as the train continues to move down the tracks.

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