Chapter 27

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Sorry everyone. I feel horrible for not updating. I've been busy with school and I came up with a new idea for another book, which I am currently working on right now too. I hope you enjoy this chapter. (Hopefully 😰😊)

Slash quickly sat down beside her and put a dagger to her side which left Lea gasping, her breathing becoming irregular. She was scared. She didn't want to yell out for fear of being stabbed. She looked straight ahead of her. The plane had already took off. Lea sighed and turned and looked out the window. Tears streamed down her face.

Slash smirked to himself, "oh am I gonna have fun." He thought to himself and turned and stared at Lea. He saw the tears that streamed down her face.

"Excuse me sir." The flight attendant caught Slash's attention. Lea turned and stared at her.

"What?" Slash demanded a bit annoyed.

The flight attendant looked at Lea, "are you alright madam?"

Lea was about to answer but instead she let out a gasp, she felt a sharp pain on her side. Slash had pierced her.

Slash turned his attention to Lea, "are you alright my dear?" He sneered out, shoving the dagger a bit more within Lea.

Lea gasped again in pain. The flight attendant saw her face and saw the pain in her eyes.

"Ma'am...are you alright?"

Slash turned to the attendant irritated, "she's fine." He growled out.

"I don't want to here it from you. I want to here it from her!"

Lea stared at the flight attendant, tears streaming down her face.


Lea shook her head.

"Sir...please stand and move out of the way so I can get to her and see what is wrong."

Slash had it. If he couldn't have her...then no one could.

He pulled the blade out and shoved it into her chest.

"AGH!!!!" Lea yelled out.

The flight attendants eyes widened and she yelled out help. The co-pilot and other attendant ran into the First Class cabin and helped try and pry Slash off of Lea. The co-pilot ran back to the cockpit and had the pilot turn back around.

All the while the flight attendants were having trouble removing slash. He had already stabbed Lea 10 times. Finally they got him contained. They ended up having to tase him and thus he fell unconscious.

Attendants started surrounding Lea. They grabbed rags, napkins, anything that could help slow down the process of blood loss for the moment. But it didn't work.


That was the last thing before she fell into the clutches of darkness.

Raph sat in the hospital, his head in his hands and his elbows rested on his knees as he sat in a chair beside his fiancé. Once he found out what had happened, he hadn't talked to anyone..all he did was sit and cry.

Tiger Claw, Mikey and Donnie sat together and stared at Lea. Their eyes puffy and bloodshot.

Shen, Yoshi and Saki sat in chairs on the other side of Lea's bed. Saki was filled with anger and rage, and yet was crying for his daughter. Shen and Yoshi were hugging on to one another. Shen crying and Yoshi holding onto her her and Lea's hand. His eyes were also puffy and bloodshot.

Lea lied on the hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. The one Raph hated most was the breathing machine. It told told everyone that she couldn't completely breath alone...if at all. The heart monitor was the only source for the family to know that she was still alive. Still fighting.

Soon the doctor came in and everyone turned to look at him.

"You must be her family." The doctor assumed. He walked over to Shen, Yoshi and Saki.

"I demand an explanation!!" Saki roared out stepping up to the doctor.

"Saki!!" Yoshi yelled pulling him back and making him sit back down. Saki growled frustrated but when he took a look at Lea...his anger vanished and was replaced with fear and sadness.

Yoshi sighed and turned back to the doctor shaking his hand. "Yoshi Hamato."

The doctor nodded, "Dr. Afton." He then walked over to the other side of the bed and checked Lea's vitals.

"Dr. Afton...would you mind if we talked out in the hall for a moment please." Donnie asked standing up.

Dr. Afton turned to Donnie, nodding. The two walked out of the room closing the door behind them.

Raph sighed as he held on to Lea's hand. He stared at her face, hoping to see her eyes open any minute now. There was nothing.

Shen looked across the bed at Raphael. She sighed for his sorrow and her own.

Days passed and Lea still laid unconscious on the hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. The heart monitor beeped indicating that she was still alive but everyone hated listening to it, but they were all relived when they took her off the breathing machine a couple days back.

"Ugh!!! Why won't she wake up!?!" Saki asked angrily and worriedly.

"Calm down Saki." Tiger Claw said from where he sat across the room.

Saki sighed. Yoshi and Shen had left a while ago to shower and eat. Mikey and Donnie had done the same. Saki, Tiger Claw and Raph sat in the room and waited for the others to come back. The three of them had already went and ate and took showers.

Raph sighed, grabbed a hold of Lea's hand and squeezed it, "Lea...I know your in there baby...we're here for you. We'll help ya, but ya gotta wake up. I want to see those gorgeous sapphire eyes. I want to hear your beautiful voice again. Please babe...wake up for me."

Tiger Claw and Saki watched as Raph finished talking to Lea. The three watched to see if Lea would make any signs.

They waited five minutes before sighing and bowing their heads in sadness.

"A-and I want to s-see those handsome eyes of y-yours R-Raphie."

The three men looked up at Lea and all saw her awake, "LEA!!!!" They yelled out in excitement and happiness, as they jumped out of their seats and stood around her.

"Lea babe.." Raph said crying as he leaned down and kissed Lea.

Lea returned the kiss, and smiled up at Raph as they pulled away.

Saki stood beside Lea holding her other hand, crying, "Leona..."

Lea turned and saw her father crying, "'s okay...I'm okay."

Saki smiled brightly at her, leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. He then let go of her hand and called the others, stating that Lea was awake.

Tiger Claw smiled at Leona happily. Lea turned to him and gave him a smile.


"Tiger Claw."

"I'm so glad your awake." He said and grabbed her hand that Saki had let go of.

"I'm glad to." She said smiling.

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