Chapter 19

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"We need to get her to a hospital!" Raph yelled.

"No. She's going to be my patient. What will the doctors even do Raph. They obviously didn't know what the poison was in the first place, and this is obviously a side affect from the poison. I don't see it being anything else." Donnie said looking straight down at Raph.

Raph held Lea within his arms. He looked up at his brother. "Your right...they didn't even do anything."

"Exactly. Come on Raph, let's go."

"O-Okay." He gently picked Lea up and walked behind Donnie. Donnie had his own research lab and his own infirmary.

Once they got to the infirmary, Raph walked over to one of the cots followed by Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw pulled the blanket back so when Raph set her down on the cot, he could cover her up.

Donnie, with Mikey following behind him, came over to the cot with items in both their hands.

Raph looked at Donnie, then back down to Lea, "you'll fix this right?" Raph asked worriedly, on the verge of crying.

Donnie stared at his brother, unsure, "I'll do my best Raph."

"Okay...I trust you." Raph whispered.

"Now...if you don't mind, I need you all to step out of my infirmary, please." Donnie stated, putting down the items he had on a table beside where Lea later, then taking the items Mikey had and also putting them on the table.

Both Mikey and Tiger Claw nodded, walking towards the door with their heads bowed down in sadness. Both felt bad for Lea, being forced into the position she was in.

"Why can't I stay here?" Raph asked looking at Donnie.

"Because, I need complete silence and no distractions." Donnie stated.

"Okay." Raph said depressingly.

Donnie felt bad for separating his brother from his girlfriend, but he had to. He needed complete silence and all his concentration on Lea, and Lea only. He couldn't worry about what all was happening around him.

He quickly set to work.

Hours passed and still Donnie hadn't come out of the infirmary.

Raph was already worried when he walked out of the lab but now he was scared. He wanted his Lea back.

Finally, Donnie walked into the living room where everyone sat. He was looking down at the ground, upset as he walked in.

The others all looked to him, thinking and wondering.

After several minutes of silence, Raph stood up and walked over to his brother, who was standing a couple of feet away from them.
Raph grabbed his chin, lifting it to look straight into his eyes. Yes his brother was a couple inches taller than him but he had to force him to look at him directly in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" Raph asked worriedly and cautiously, but also strictly.

"She fell into another coma...and this poison, its...I don't think that...that there's a cure. I...I don't....Raph I'm sorry." Donnie said, staring at Raph as tears streamed down his face.

Raph didn't know what to do. He let go of his brother at that moment, turned and looked at everyone else and then ran to his room.

Donnie, Mikey and Tiger Claw all watched as Raph ran up the stairs to his room. Listening as he shut the door closed. Both Mikey and Tiger Claw turned to look at Donnie. Donnie stared at the two for a moment before turning away and walking back to the infirmary.

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