Chapter 20

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It had been 3 days now, and Lea still hadn't woken up. Everyone hoped it wouldn't be like last time. They hoped she'd wake up any day now. They wanted her to celebrate her birthday, to celebrate Christmas and then go home to her parents and celebrate New Years.

Raph ended up having to call her parents. Soon they all became devastated. While he was on the phone with them he could hear Shen crying. He called them everyday, updating them on Lea's condition.

It never got better, it never got worse, it always stayed the same.

4 more days passed, still nothing. Tiger Claw, Donnie and Mikey were all losing their hope fast. Raph still strong. He hoped Lea would wake up soon. Christmas Eve was tomorrow.

Raph sat in a chair beside Lea, holding her hand and staring at her.

"Lea...please wake up. Show me your beautiful eyes baby....please wake up." Raph said bowing his head.

Silence. That was until Raph felt a squeeze. Raph looked up, looking at their hands. He looked at her face, seeing her eyes open and seeing her smile.

Raph jumped up, "LEA!!!!"

From the other room Donnie, Mikey and Tiger Claw all heard Raph's scream. They all looked to one another then ran into the infirmary. All eyes widened when they landed on Lea.


"Hey guys. I m-missed you all." She said smiling the best she could.

Mikey, Donnie and Tiger Claw all ran over to Lea, "we all missed you!!" They yelled excitedly simultaneously.

Lea laughed, she then looked to Raph, smiling even more. Raph stood from his spot, leaning over her and giving her a kiss. She kissed back. They pulled away a minute later. Raph stared at her, she stared back.

"I missed ya more than anything in the world." Raph whispered.

"I missed you too Raphie."

"Looks like you fought it Lea." Donnie stated looking over Lea's vitals.

Lea smiled proud of herself. She looked to everyone around the room.

"Hey why don't we call your parents." Raph suggested. Lea turned and looked at him smiling. "I'd love too."

Raph reached into his pocket grabbing his phone and then dialed Lea's parents. Raph quickly handed the phone over to Lea leaving it on speaker. A couple rings later her parents picked up.


'Father...' Lea thought, tearing up.

"Hi papa!!" She said, tears streaming down her face.

"LEONA!!! Shen!!! It's Leona!!!"

Lea laughed and smiled before she heard her father give the phone to her mother.


"Hi Mama!!"

"Oh my god!!! Your awake!!!'m so happy!!!"

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