Chapter 25

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Sorry for the wait. Hope you like it, it seems a bit bad to me.

She didn't feel anything, and she heard a load thud. She opened her eyes to find Slash lying beneath her. She was shocked but also scared.

She took in a deep breath and looked up....who she saw was her fiancé.

"RAPH!!!" She yelled his name tears of joy running down her face.

Raph walked up to Lea and kissed her. She kissed back and soon their kiss became passionate. They pulled away panting.

"Raph!" Lea said struggling in the chains that held her. She wanted so badly to hug her husband and never let go.

Raph quickly removed the chains from her and pulled her into a hug. They both sat on the ground and cried.

Soon everyone found them and saw Slash unconscious. Both Raph and Lea were surprised that Slash was still unconscious.

"LEA!!!" They all yelled out, happy that their daughter, sister and friend was okay. They all joined in a group hug, never wanting to let go.

"Let us go home." Yoshi said, caressing Leona's cheek lovingly. He kissed the top of her head before moving to his own wife and giving her a kiss.

Shen cried tears of joy for her daughters return. She couldn't help but to hold her daughter longer. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too mom."

"Let us go." Saki said punching Slash in the face once more, making sure he'd stay unconscious.

"Yeah...let's go." Raph said staring into Lea's eyes. He looked down at her body, forgetting she was completely naked. His eyes widened and he quickly pulled his shirt off and put it on her.

Lea only laughed at the kind act her fiancé showed.

Raph then picked her up bridal style and they all walked out of that creepy building leaving Slash.

Donnie had called the police before he had left.

On their way home Lea sat in Raph's lap, trying to forget what happened. Raph sat holding Lea close to himself, never wanting to let go of her. He saw all the emotions she felt throughout the car ride home. Sadness, fear, disgust, hatred, anger and so much more. Everyone stared at the two, worried for both. Donnie sat beside the two, tending to Lea's wounds. He for sure hated seeing the bite marks on her neck and the hickeys Slash had left.

Once he finished wrapping her wounds, he sat quietly the rest of the ride.

Once they got to Donnie's house everyone got out of the limo and went inside. Lea and Raph went upstairs and the others sat on the couch, upset.

"Raph I'm fine, I'm just going to take a shower."

"No! Your not fine!"

"How would you know what I feel!?"

Raph sighed, but his eyes never averted from Lea's. He walked over to her and gave her a kiss. Then moved and rested his head on the top of hers. She rested her head against his chest.


"Lea...I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"What he did. What I let him do."

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"I saw it coming. I saw him."

"What? Raph what are you takin about?"

"What I'm saying is that...I saw him finish what he wanted to do. I saw everything he did to you and more."

"I...I don't understand."

"Never mind," Raph moved away from Lea, "just take your shower."

Lea stared at Raph, "Raph-"

"Stop...just..." Raph sighed and walked out of the room.

Lea sighed, went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Raph walked down stairs and sat on the couch. Everyone stared at him, curious and worried.

"Raphael, what is wrong?" Tiger Claw asked.

"Yeah? And where's Lea?" Mikey asked.

"Lea's taking a shower..." Raph said staring down at the ground sadly.

" Tiger Claw asked, what's wrong?" Donnie demanded.

Raph looked up at Donnie, "she didn't understand, I doubt you would." Raph sighed.

Saki grew angry. He growled, got up and stomped his way over to Raph, grabbing his bicep and making him stand. He glared down at Raph even though Raph stared down at the ground.

"HE'S ASKING WHY YOUR UPSET!!!" Saki yelled at him.

Raph stood there, he didn't even flinch.


Everyone turned to the top stairs, seeing Lea.

Saki looked at Lea then at Raph, letting him go. Lea sighed and walked down the stairs, walking over to Raph and grabbing his hand. Raph looked at her, sighing. Lea sighed and started to walk back up the stairs, Raph following right after.

Everyone watched the two in silence.

"There's something going on with those two." Mikey stated.

Donnie sat thinking, "he said 'she didn't understand, I doubt you would.' Mikey..." Donnie turned to look at Mikey, finding him staring at Tiger Claw.



"Did you hear a word of what I said?"


"Uh...what I was saying was that Raph's shut himself out like this before."

Mikey thought for a moment, "yeah...your right. And the last time he did this was when someone tried to kill you."

"'s as if he knew what was gonna happen."

"Yeah! And it's like he knew what was gonna happen between Lea and Slash!"


"What are the two of you talking about exactly?" Shen asked.

Donnie turned and looked at Shen, "well ya see...when I was almost killed about a year ago, Raph came and saved me. And this has happened more than once. Even when we were little, he saved us from so many situations that could cost us something in the end. So I'm pretty sure he saw Lea...Lea getting...well uh r-raped."

Every stared at Donnie.

She had heard it all...and she didn't know what to think. She turned back to her and Raph's room, and stared at her fiancé who was sleeping. Sweat could be seen on his forehead, he squirmed in bed, he was having a nightmare. Lea sighed and went into their room, closing the door then climbing into bed.

She shook Raph, waking him. Raph stared at Lea, then started tearing up. She pulled him into her arms, "its okay...I'm okay, I'm here."

Raph wrapped his arms around her waist, and cried.

Lea started to tear up, she wanted to be strong but she couldn't. Her fiancé was crying, she was almost raped. It was just to much. Tears slowly streamed down her face.

The two held one another tightly. Never wanting to let the other go.

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