~Chapter Thirty-Three~

Start from the beginning

"Uh... Yeah, okay." Jared has to wait by the car. His hand are slightly bloody but that's it. Kevin didn't get any shots in. Evan approaches, pale and scared, a few minutes later.

"Evan, baby," Jared pulls him close, stroking his hair.

"Let's go home. Now, please, I have to go home, I'm - I need to go home."

"Okay.. okay c'mon. Let's go." They get home and Evan vomits as soon as he opens his car door. Right on the lawn. At least it wasn't in the car. Jared helps him out and Into the house to the bathroom. Evan feels horrible. Jared sits with him, rubbing his back with a cup of water. He rests his forehead on the edge of the toilet.

"...What am I gonna do?"

"I..... I don't know..."

"Is been almost a month and I can't get away from it."

"Well.. you probably won't ever eat away from it. We just have to figure out how to deal with it. And this.... is a start." He clutches his stomach.

"Fuck-" he shoots up and heaves. There's nothing left to vomit though. Jared feels so bad, by he doesn't know what else to do. Once he settles down again, Evan leans against Jared.

"...Are you going to... To want me to get rid of it?" his hand stays firmly on his stomach.

"No, No I would just... I'd help you raise it. We can do that together. If you do have a baby, it's not his. No matter the DNA. It'll be mine." Evan sniffs.


"I love you Ev.."

"I love you too."

"No matter what, I'll be here for you, okay?"

"Okay, I.... Thank you." Jared's a little suspicious by that. Is he not there for him too? Does he think Jared's being a little over protective or something? Jared's paranoid about it now. Thinking he's done something wrong. Evan is just exhausted.

"You're so important to me, I'm so glad I've got you, I couldn't do it without you." Jared kisses the top of his head.

"I'm glad I have you too." It's slow from then until Saturday. The doctor appointment is anxious. They won't get the results until later the next day. Jared sits with Evan, holding his hand. Evan holding his back a little too tight. It's terrifying for him. He's going to have to give a urine sample. He hates all of this. Jared gets a text from Connor.

C: [everything okay, I'm almost there and Evan isn't answering his phone]

Ja: [We're at the doctor's. Getting Evan tested, we'll be there soon to pick you up.]

C: [tested...like for what]

Ja: [to see if he's.... y'know..]

C: [oh...hug him for me]

Jared leans over to wrap his arms around him,

"This is from Connor." Evan nods stiffly and returns it tightly, whispering,

"Tell him thanks." Jared texts it to him without breaking their hug. The entire appointment is terrifying to him, especially explaining the reason for the appointment to his doctor. Jared does most of the talking, especially when Evan chokes up. He's choked up through half the appointment. When they leave, Evan is just glad he isn't crying.

"You did good baby." he nods.

"Let's just go get Connor and go home..." Jared drives them to the airport in time to see Connor just getting off the plane. Connor rushes over.

"You guys okay?"

"... Mhm. "

"Good to see you too Con."

"How was uh..?"

"Scary. I hated it. "

"When we get the results, I'm going to pick them up by myself."

"When'll that be?"

"Tomorrow probably."

"Yeah, well. Let's just go home for now... Speaking of, where is he gonna sleep? Our room is already kind of crowded.."

"Got a couch?"

"Course. "

"Don't want you to sleep on the floor. We've already got four people in our room and only two beds.."

"I'll sleep in the living room. It'll be okay."

"alright.." Jared kind of feels bad for making him sleep by himself.

"It'll be okay."

"You... already said that.."

"I'm repeating for the tree boy who is holding my hand way too tight right now."

"Sorry... " Jared's just really nervous to tell Evan what happened between him and Connor.

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