~Chapter Thirty-One~

Comincia dall'inizio

"I don't want to talk about this."

"I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry."

"I... I hate Rich 10x more than I have before."

"I do too." They don't fall asleep. They lay awake all night. Evan and Jared come up the next morning.

"Jeremy?" Jared knocks before walking in.


"How's- MICHAEL."

"Hey..." he smiles just a little.

"You're awake. Fuckin' finally dude."

"Michael! We were worried sick!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Like ass, thanks for asking."

"Well..... I hope you get better then."

"Working on it."

"So how's school without us? Still the same?"

"They think Michael's dead."

"Me too."


"Try to off yourself one time and suddenly jokes you've been making for years aren't funny anymore."

"I feel you."


"Kleinman gets it."

"Can we please stop talking about it??"

"Chill, Evan, fine." Jared takes Evan's hand and gives him an apologetic look.

"Just... They also think Jeremy's the one in the hospital because I bring his homework up. There are many theories on why."

"Did Jenna Roland start these?"

"Probably. Then uh... Then there's Rich..."

"..... what about Rich?"

"... He came in smelling like you the day after Michael... Yknow." he sweats.

"There's stuff going around."

"Wh-what kind of stuff?" He's not looking at him and he's blushing from embarrassment.

"... Um... Well, that you um... You had sex... And that um... And that you didn't um... That you didn't use protection? A-And that might be a reason you aren't at school... Because you might be uh..." Michael is speechless.

"Then you better make it fucking clear to them that I'm not."

"... O-Okay..."

"Did you..?"

"We're not talking about it." Jared and Evan fall silent. Michael looks at Jeremy.

"Were you safe?"

"Well..... I mean we didn't but a condom but he pulled out in time....." Michael is immediately concerned.

"And you trust his abilities??"

"Please don't yell at me again...." He shuts his mouth. He's concerned now. Not mad, just concerned. Jeremy nudges his head into his shoulder and clings to his shirt. He is scared. What if he's pregnant? The room is tense now. They're all thinking the same thing.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"... Mhm." Jeremy hates this subject. Never wants to bring it up again. The rest of the time they're there is awkward. They leave soon and it just Jeremy and Michael.

"...... you know I love you right? More than anyone in the world."

"Mhm. I know."

"So much..." he keeps apologizing and saying he loves him. Michael just holds him close and keeps stroking his hair.

"Shhh... I know, I know."

"I-I can't- I'm not able to get over it. I-I feel like you really don't forgive me..."

"I do, baby, promise, I just... I'm concerned. I love you so much, and to think he could've... Could've gotten you knocked up, I'm just... Terrified."

"I'm so scared Michael. I-I don't know what I was thinking..."

"It's all right. It'll be okay, no matter what. I promise you."

"What- what if I am knocked up?? I-I can't do that! I haven't graduated yet!!"

"I know, I know, shhhh, it'll be okay. It's all right."

"I'm so scared...." he starts to cry quietly into his shoulder.

"I'm sure... I'm sure you aren't. It'll be okay. And if... If you are, it's okay. I've got you."

"Would you even want to raise it with me? W-would you want to be a dad with me?"

"Of course. Of course I would, I would never ever make you do that alone." Jeremy nods.

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