"Oh Jungkook." Eunha smiled.


Both SinB and Jhope were bored out of their minds. 5 hours of doing nothing but being trapped in a room with each other was tough.

"Let's have a dance competition." SinB suggests. Jhope agrees since he doesn't have anything better to do.

They warm up by stretching and finally, they compete. Since they were both amazing dancers, it was a tight competition.

It was SinB's turn but she accidentally tripped over her foot and Jhope caught her.

Just. Like. Last. Time.


Jhope caught SinB before she could fall on the ground. They looked into each other's eyes. It was only until now when they both realized how beautiful and handsome the other person was.

They leaned closer to each other until their lips met. They both had small feelings for each other but denied the fact.

They parted and both of them were confused on what just happened. In the end, they decided to forget what happened and stay as best friends.

Soon after SinB developed feelings for him but she ignored it as Jhope was dating Wendy.

Jhope also developed small feelings each day for SinB. The only reason he decided to date Wendy was to hopefully decrease his feelings for her. However, it only grew his feelings.

End of flashback

SinB wanted to escape his grip cause she knew what would happen. Jhope's grip was too strong and firm for her.

"Stay still." He demanded.

"Why do you want to cheat on Wendy?" She knew it was wrong for him to do this but somehow she didn't want to stop him.

He placed his lips on hers delicately while his hand brushed her cheek. SinB wraps her hands around his neck, embracing the moment.

While they depart their lips, Jhope turns back to normal. SinB dreamily smiles but notices Jhope expression. Confusion and 'What the heck just happened' is written all across his face.

Just as Jhope was about the speak, the door opens. "Oppa!" A girl with brown ombré hair says. Wendy.

"Wendy?" He looks at her. "SinB?" Turning to look back at me. "What just happened?"

Wendy ignores his question and goes straight to kiss him. SinB can't stand watching them so she leaves them to be.

She sees everybody waiting for them. "SinB? Where's Jhope?" They ask her.

"With Wendy." She says gloomily. They soon hear voices from the corridor heading their way.

"Can anyone explain what the hell is happening?" Jhope asks as he sits next to Wendy with SinB on his left.

Jin fills in everybody on everything, explaining Jihyo and how they got out of the spell.

SinB stiffens on the mention of True Love. 'Then how did Jhope turn back to normal? That kiss..... doesn't that mean Jhope.... l-loves me?' SinB thinks.

"So thanks to Wendy, Jhope is back!" Jin continues. They all thank Wendy, not knowing what actually happened. Jhope doesn't remember he kissed SinB so only she knows.

SinB does a big sigh which makes everybody's focus on her. "Everything alright?"

She thinks before answering, "I guess so."


"I miss you so much." Yewon says. As always, Yoongi doesn't reply and just remains lifeless.

"Excuse me Yewon, the doctors wanted me to inform you to return back into your room." A nurse said. Yewon limped back to her room.

She heard a knock and a doctor walked in. "We will have to have surgery on you." The doctor said.

"Surgery? I thought I was almost recovered?" Yewon asks.

"But it looks like it won't recover naturally." The doctor said. Yewon was suspicious of that doctor. Weirdly, that doctor looks like someone she knows.

"Well okay. Doctors know best right?"

"You won't regret it." The doctor wheeled her into the operating room.

Yewon didn't know that she just made the worst mistake of her entire life.




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