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"im mufuckin' tieddd " Shay drunk ass slurred. I shook my head at her as she stepped in front of me into the hummer. People started crowding around the car for August since he was in the back putting his suitcases in the front. Cameras flashed everywhere and Shay drunk ass hopped back out, making me and Nee jump out after her.

"stop! stop ! bitch im famousss " she yelled pulling her arms  away from us. I sighed but then decided to trick her.

"Dre in the car " I said making her snap her head towards me and she stumbled to the car and hopped in. I went to the back while Nee tended to Shay.

"you almost done ?" I asked August and Big Ro

"yeaah after this one " he said lifting one more bag into the trunk. August pulled me into another hug forgetting the paparazzi was there and we were being bombarded with questions. August threw his jacket over my head and we avoided it hopping inside with Big Ro right behind us into the limo.

My phone started ringing so I answered it without looking at who it was.

"hello ?"

"Why didnt you tell me you date August Alsina ?!" Brandons voice boomed through the phone.

"Brandon calm down I dont " I laughed earning a glare from August.

"who's brandon ?" he asked Nee

"her boss " she whispered

"we'll talk over brunch tommorow bye boo " Brandon said before hanging up.

"where you work at Bre ?" Aug asked me looking surprised.

" She's a model " Shay slurred before she started hiccuping.

"word ? " August looked me up and down.

"yeah " I laughed leaning on his arm halfway.

"okay I see you doing big things " he laughed too as soon as the limo started rolling.

August pov

As soon as we got in the house Shay collapsed onto the couch.

"I guess I get the guest bed " Nee cheered and walked off.

"I'll go get the air mattresses " Bre was about to walk off but I stopped her.

"you only need to get one "

she side eyed me

"yall gonna sleep on the same air matress ?" she scrunched her face up

"Nah imma sleep witchu and Big Ro can sleep on the air matress " I tried my luck for ONCE again. She paused looking me over for a second before rolling her eyes and walking away.

"we need to talk anyways " she semi-yelled when she rounded the corner.

Big Ro dapped me up and I wandered down the hallway looking for her room,which wasn't hard to find since she only had two rooms and she had her door open.

I walked inside and she was bent over rummaging through her closet until she pulled out an air matress box and turned around.

"oh shit August you scared me " she jumped holding her chest.

"my bad " I put my hands up in surrender .

She picked up the air pump from the bed and took the pump and matress to Big Ro, returning minutes later.

"uhm before we talk I wanna take a shower " she said to me while she plugged her phone on the charger.

"ite coo, imma be in the other shower " I said going to retrieve my bags from the living room.


Bre pov

Even though I kept cool on the outside, on the inside I was boiling. I cant completely blame August for everything but he was part of it. Ever since what happened Ive changed, dealing with my mothers death, the death of my second child, August just abandoning me in my time of need and not wanting my child.

Even though August was the one who suggested the abortion, I was the one who went through with it. I could have chosen to be a single mother, but I wasn't stable enough. Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, or Financially. I had just went through the death of my mother, I was alone, depressed, and I was still in the drug game and to sum everything up I was still in college sharing a dorm with two people. I didn't want to bring my child into that, he/she didn't deserve that, but also he/she didn't deserve to die.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized how long i'd been in the shower. I sniffed and wiped the tears that I didn't even know were there. I washed up and washed my hair trying to cleanse the disgusting feeling that I felt all over me, but no matter how hard I scrubbed I felt vile.

I turned the water off and stepped out the shower wrapping my towel around me. I opened the drawers searching for my yellow pill bottle, opening it and popping two in my mouth. I avoided the mirror as I brushed my teeth, a habit I've gotten used to.

After I finished I slipped my silk robe onto my shoulders and lotioned  up in the bathroom before I walked into my bedroom. Seeing that August wasn't there yet so I slipped on my bra and underwear under my robe.

I laid down in my bed unlocking my phone to see I had 597 notifications on twitter, 300  notifications on instagram. I scrunched my face up in confusion and clicked on instagram first to see people tagging me in stuff, people following me and hate/love comments.

I clicked on one of the tagged photos and it was August and I in the vip section. The next one I clicked shocked me because we made it on the shaderoom.

Someone cleared their throat making me look up from my phone and it was August with his towel wrapped tightly around his waist. I let my eyes travel down his body before returning my attention back to his eyes.

"you ready to talk ?" he dug into his bag for some boxers and he slipped them on under his towel before letting the towel drop. He also pulled on some sweatpants then sat on the opposite side of the bed from me.

"I guess .. " I trailed

"so first, uh how you been ?" he asked making the situation seem awkward.

" August. " I straightfaced him.

"ite imma just cut to the chase, I'm so sorry.. i know no matter how many times I say it it doesn't get any better but  I should have been there for you when your mom died and when you got the... you know... " he said making me boil inside. He didn't even feel sorry that he suggested killing our child.

"You don't even feel bad that our child is dead August ! you don't care about nobody but yourself " I raised my voice at him.

"You think I dont feel bad ?! That was going to be my first fucking child Bre.. everyday I regret telling you to get an abortion ! I picture us living in a big ass house with our child all the time.. that shit don't only effect you but it effects me too " he came back on the verge of tears.

"So why'd you tell me to do it ?? why'd you leave me when I needed you most ?? Why didn't you love me the way I loved you ?! " I asked demanding answers that ran through my mind daily.

He looked off to the side shaking his head.

" Just like you I was going through stuff too Bre,  I didn't want to leave you but I had to .. and I love you way more than you would think but you was too fucking blind to see it  and you still are ." he said leaving me shocked. He said he still loved me .

I'll admit I still love him too and i'll probably never stop loving him but I wasn't ready to get hurt again.

"Why'd you have to leave August ? "

"I wanted to make you proud, your the one who wanted me to pursue my career and if I didn't go I woulda had to kiss my career goodbye. " He scooted closer to me and held my hand.

" I'm so sorry Bre, I love you "

I pulled him into a hug.

"I am proud of you August " I pulled him into a hug.

"￶I love you too " I whispered in his ear as we hugged.It felt as if a part of me was relieved.

Even though I can forgive ill never forget

My Lil Thug (An August Alsina story)Where stories live. Discover now