Forty Seven | I Will Always Watch Over You

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"I mean, if the relationship can't survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term?"
Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song



"Tyler let go of me." I said to him, instead of seeing my room, I saw that he had taken me to a beach near the town we lived in.

"Not until you listen." He said grabbing my wrist again.

"Ty.." He quickly put his hand to my mouth.

"I'll let go, if you listen to me." He told me.

I nodded, obviously not being able to saw a single word. He let go, looking into my light muddy eyes.

"I didn't know that you got kidnapped at that age; if I had, I would have told you. Please believe me." His eyes showing mercy and pleade to me.

"Tyler, honestly, if you know anything about my childhood that I don't know about then tell me now. If you lie and I find out, I will break up with you." I told him giving no mercy in my tone.

"I know nothing." He said to me.

"Ok." I said starting to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked.


He followed, letting his hand near my own, until finally grasping it. "You should probably go tomorrow, your parents think you're at a friends house." He told me.

"Take me back to your place then." I said, wanting to shout a little more at Michael.

We arrived quickly with more haist. I loved the interior of the apartment it made me soft inside.

"You're back then." Michael hesitated out.

"Yep, now tell me who's not allowing you to tell me about what happened." I perched down, heading the water go off, Ryder would be coming out shortly.

Michael tried talking but his lips started sealing up, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, Jophiel was about to gasp, but green vines threaded through her lips, as she squealed. Uriel and Rafael stood still, not moving either in shock or something was happening to them. "Enough." Tyler's voice scorched out.

"What happened?" I asked as Michael wiped away the blood from his face and Jophiel clawed at the vines.

"Satan." Michael said with no tone.

"The devil." I said picturing a red horned figure with a tail.

"Yes, he made us bound to not tell you and anybody else about what happened, he is finally scared of the fact that Montgomery's power is increasing but doesn't want to admit it to himself." Uriel told us as Michael signed.

"So he's real then." I said sitting down.

"Wow! I thought being with Montgomery was hard." Ryder's voixe echoed out, as all out gazes turned to him. Tyler's blue shirt big on his smaller frame. He was tall, but not as tall as Tyler and built for what you'd think any average teenager should be. Lanky, but athletic at the same time.

I was more surprised about the colour of the shirt then of Ryder. Tyler owned another colour other then black. I felt almost shocked at the fact that he had never shown me his sense of ghostly style.

"I don't have a ghostly style." Tyler blurted out.

"We really have to talk about you listening in on my thoughts." I huffed out raising an eyebrow.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now