One | Barbie and Vodka

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"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices, #2)



"Ross." I shouted as the brunette waltzed in as if he owned the house, his shaggy brown hair curling at the tips at the end of each strand. His brown eyes lighter then his hair could ever be, his brown eyes sparkling as the rays of the sun hit his god like face.

"I'm blind." He staggered forward, toppling over the mountain of books, he fell face forward on my bed, meeting my crossed legs.

"Of course you are." I bellowed out, laughing like a maniac; making my brother come out of his room.

"Veronica, stop laughing like a demented giraffe." He groaned, his brown hair exactly like my own, his was short, with a long fringe coming down to his eyes. I could just cut it right off. It's so annoying.

"I do not sound like a giraffe." I said acting shocked, Ross still lying on my bed.

"You do." He grunted out again, having an older brother could get so annoying. "Hey Ross." He said giving a straight face.

"Hey Justin." They always has the weirdest relationship, either they were nice to each other or wanted to punch each other in the throat. It was only now they were being nice that I could see the similarities between my best friend and brother. Even if the height difference was by a couple of inches short for my older brother. They were always great friends.

I heard crying from the twins room, I stood up as Ross and Justin carried on talking. Ross moved up lying on the blue pillow moving the rest of the books to the ground. I groaned as I turned back, I could see Justin moving all my books. No longer in alphabetical order but being made into domino's.

I shouted out, waiting for a response."Chrissy, Sam."

"Veronica." They squealed in unison.

I walked into their purple room, their beds unmade and covered in stuffed animals that had been passed down between us all. I saw them both in a play pen, playing with what seemed to be a deformed barbie, each blonde hair cut shorter until it looked like a bob. Her face and hands coloured with black marker pen, amd the most distinctive feature being that, they had removed the legs putting a transformers legs on instead.

Quiet a disturbing scene. The twins hands covered in pen, and their hair knotted as they had been pulling at each other.

"What happened?" I asked as sternly as possible.

"Sam, chucked a pen at me." Chrissy cried out.

"No, Chrissy chucked the barbie legs at me." I started giggling as they pointed fingers at each other.

"Ok, well, let's get you both cleaned up and then we can talk about." I smiled again as they both got up, walking to the bathroom.

Sam's brunette hair was put up in a pony tail. Whilst Chrissy wanting a plait, I did a loose one whilt they wahsed their faces. We all had brunette hair, being the families distinctive feature.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now