Nine | Ibuprofen Calamity

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"Maybe ever'body in the whole  damn world is scared of each other."
John Steinbeck, Of Mice And Men



"Chemistry, is so boring, do we have to go Ross?" I pleaded for the fiftieth time.

"What's up with you? You love Chemistry." I did, I loved it too much, I always asked for extra work, because I found it so interesting, but Tyler would be there.

I didn't know what to expect, he wasn't real, but if he was, then what was he, a freak, inhuman, a weirdo. Or just a creepy stalker.

I should tell someone. But they'll think I'm mad, if he is just my imagination. I probably just dreamt him and the dream mixed with reality.

I wasn't going crazy.

I wasn't.

"It's just, that I uh." Before I could continue I saw Ryan walk up to us both.

"Hey Veronica, Ross." He said smiling, his eyes showing care and confort, different to Tyler's moody and miserable eyes.

"Hi Ryan." I replied and Ross did the same, Justin had an early practice because he was a senior.

"There's this new kid." Ryan broke the silence.


"Ours." It couldn't be, it shan't be, he's not real.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"How did you know it was a he?" Ryan asked.

"A guess." I played it off.

"His name is like Taylor or Tate, honestly I've forgotten." He said thinking way to hard about it. "I've got to show him around, see you guys in Chem."

He smiled walking to the front entrance, how I loved his charisma and just everything he did made me like him even more. He was a total opposite of the imaginary guy from yesterday. But what if he was real.

We both walked into Chemistry sitting next to each other as we usually did. I heard the mass of students quickly scramble into the class as I waited for the teacher to come in, so I decided to talk to Amanda who had sat next to me.

"When's the next basketball game?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." She said smiling.

"You're coming." She asked.

"Probably, Justin and Ross will probably make me come." I smiled out.

"Cool." She smiled going back to talk to Jordan.

I started playing with pen, tapping it and making a random tune.

"Class, we have a new student joining us." The teacher smiled out as Ryan walked in, being followed by someone.

I didn't look up, not wanting to know if he was real. Not wanting to be proven wrong.

Tyler's Redemption(#1 in The Fallen Series) | ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now