thirty two

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Bethany's pov

The day after Harry's birthday, he and I went to the pet shop so he could pick out a pet- my present to him.

'You can pick any animal here, preferably one that won't stink up the house.' I requested. 'I'll be in the toy section if you need me.'

'Sounds good,' Harry grinned from ear to ear.

Harry's pov

When Bethany walked away, I ran towards the turtles. There was one with an orange shell that caught my eye.

'Can I help you with anything today sir?' A worker walked up to me.

'Actually, yes. I'd like to get this turtle but I don't know what it needs.'

'Well, she needs a tank, a dish for food and water, and some rocks for her tank.' He helped me get all the stuff in a trolly then got the turtle out. 'So what made you want a turtle?'

'Well,' I started with a smile. 'My adopted daughter brought me here so I could pick an animal as a birthday present. Speaking of..'

'Hey Curly.' Bethany chirped. 'How's it going?'

'Good. I've got the animal and everything she needs. Thank you for this.'

'Of course. It's the least I can do with all you do for me. Oh, and Louis called. He said that Paul's at home wanting to have a talk with some of us privately.'

'Then let's check out and go. It's not wise to leave Paul waiting.'

Paul's pov

When Bethany and Harry got back I asked to talk to Harry in private first, after he set things up for his turtle who he named Myrtle.

'So,' I started. 'Are you sure we want to go through with this? I mean, think about how they feel. And which one are we going to have do it?'

Harry sighed. 'I've thought about it a lot, I swear to you.  It's just that... you're the one who had the idea, and I agree with it. We'll at least try it. And I think Beth should do it because she only knows everyone in this house and Kris.'

'Then go tell her that I'd like to talk with her.'

Harry nodded, left, then a few seconds later Bethany walked in. 'Hey Paul.'

'Hey Beth,' I smiled. 'So Harry and I have been talking for the past couple of weeks and we need you to do something for us.'


I took a deep breath. 'We need you to fake date someone that we found is willing.'

Bethany's pov

'What?!' I shrieked. 'Why do I have to fake date someone? I'm already happy. Why Paul?!'

Paul threw his hands in the air then back down. 'Michael isn't who you think. He's just going to make you feel like you're special, use you, then drop you like a fly. Harry and I don't want to see that happen to you. So we've scheduled a time next week where the two of you can meet. Devan's a good guy. You just have to 'date' him until all the methany crap fades, and it's not showing any signs of stopping.'

'So how is this guy famous? I know you guys want to get my name out there for some reason.'

'He's frequently starring on his brother's YouTube channel. That and he's famous from social media.'

'Oh, great. A guy who thinks he's all that.'

'My brother is not like that.' A male American voice said behind me so I turned around. 'He's not one of those people who's famous just to show off. He cares about fans. Don't go judging my brother before you even meet him.'

I scoffed. 'And who may I ask are you?'

Paul looked at me, and if looks could kill I'd be dead. 'Bethany, this is Devan's older brother. He's staying with us until we go to the meeting. So you better make a good impression.'

I rolled my eyes. 'This day just keeps getting better and better. I had no idea what it would feel like to be adopted.'


And that is it!! The end of Adopted!! Or at least the first part. I'm working on the second book so it will hopefully be up soon and when it is I'll put up an author's note.

So what are the guesses on who the two new characters are? The hints are in the second half of the chapter.

Happy reading,

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