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(A/N try not to laugh when watching this video)

*Harry's POV

Instead of going and eating breakfast, I went to my room after yelling at Michael then snapping at Beth. I was no longer hungry.

When I got to my room, Louis was sitting on my bed. 'What do you want, Boobear?'

'Haz,' he started, 'what's going on? First you yell at someone in the house, then break Beth even more than she is. She needs to get shown some love, and right now, she's getting it from someone who isn't her father. If you are her dad, start acting like it. The lads and I can't stand seeing her like this.'

'I don't like seeing her upset either, Louis, but I'm just ticked right now after what happened earlier.' I growled.

'What happened? Who'd you yell at and why?' Louis pried.

'Michael. I went into his room because last night he wasn't watching the film with the rest of you lads. I wanted to talk with him and we did. It started off okay, then he told me that... that he likes Beth. Not like like a friend, but like like. He wants them to be more than friends.

'I got ticked, started yelling at him, stormed out, then ran into Beth. We talked, I got ticked when she brought up the fight, I snapped, and ran to my room. Now we're talking.'

'I know that you don't want Bethany to date any of the lads right now, but sooner or later, she's gonna fall for one of them.' Louis out a hand on my shoulder. 'When that happens, be happy for Bethany. She needs love in her life.'

Louis walked out of my room and I started to think about what he said.

*Michael's pov

I know that Harry doesn't want one of us guys to date Bethany yet, but you've got to admit, she's kida hot though. With her curly ginger locks, why can't she be mine?

*Bethany's pov

I walk up to my room and take my phone off of my nightstand. I clicked on my conversation with Kris.

Kris🐧- Hey girl!! How do you like Harry so far?

Me- Hey! He's nice. I have to live with like thirteen others tho. *sigh* You ready to become independant?

Kris🐧- Yeah!! Few more days til I hit the big one eight!! The foster care is throwing me a going away/birthday party. Please come! I'm dying to see you again!

Me- I'll try, I have to talk with Harry. What should I do if he gives me a nickname?

Kris🐧- Give him one back! I know that he'll like that. Call him... he has curly hair. Call him Curly or something.

Me- Kay, thanks!! I'll talk to you later, okay?

Kris🐧- Kk!

I took my ear buds off my dresser and pressed shuffle on my music. 'Fly Away by Five Seconds Of Summer started playing. I sang along.

Counting down these seconds
Jumping off these fences
Find another place to start again
The cracks in the sidewalk
I'm over all the small talk
Taking off like fire in the wind

I won't waste another day wishing this would fade away
Running we're not looking back

I want a little bit of California
With a little bit of London sky
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away tonight
I want a little bit of open ocean
With a New York state of mind
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away
Fly away tonight

(Fly away tonight)
(Fly away tonight)

A never ending replay
With memories I can't erase
I see the best of times in front of me
Now I'm off to paradise
To a war I'll never fight
Say goodbye to pain and misery

I won't waste another day wishing this would fade away
Running we're not looking back

I want a little bit of California
With a little bit of London sky
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away tonight
I want a little bit of open ocean
With a New York state of mind
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away
Fly away tonight

I won't waste another day wishing this would fade away
I won't waste another day wishing this would fade away

Counting down the seconds
Always second guessing
I'm dreaming of a place to start again

I want a little bit of California
With a little bit of London sky
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away tonight
I want a little bit of open ocean
With a New York state of mind
I wanna take my heart to the end of the world
And fly away
Fly away tonight

(Fly away tonight)
(Fly away tonight)

I heard clapping from the doorway. I ripped out my ear buds, and dived into my closet, embarassed.

Michael opened the door, even though Harry was giving him the evil eye. 'You're great at singing. You don't need to hide from us.'

I scoffed. 'I can't sing. Besides, I thought you lot were downstairs doing whatever you like to do.'

'We were, but then we got bored.' Louis replied. 'Then we heard your singing and had to check it out.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk down the stairs to get some more food.


Hey peeps!!!! I decided to update this before I go out of town Saturday night. Gonna drive a whopping 14.5 hours to Washington DC to see the sites and gonna stay with my aunt and uncle in Virginia. And my dog is coming with us, so it's going to be an eventful week.

The week after next, I'm going to camp. If your lucky, I'll start working on the next two chaos and have them up by the beginning of August. If you guys are lucky peeps.

Anyways, hope you enjoy your day!!


Adopted (1D, The Vamps, 5sos)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें