twenty six

378 12 9

Michael's pov

The words that Beth said were floating through my head. How could she have said such a thing? We really care about her. She should know that. We've told her countless times. We have to find another way to show her.

Bethany's pov

I can't believe that I said that. I didn't mean any of it, I was just frustrated about everything. And I've tried plenty of times to find my sister but no luck. I don't get why I have such bad luck.

Harry's pov

I'm glad that Beth is okay. I don't know what I would've done if we never found her. I'd probably still be locked in my room only coming out for food and the bathroom. That's how much I care about her.

Bradley's pov

It's my fault. Everything is my fault. If we would've watched Bethany better then she wouldn't have almost cut or ran away. Its- everything is just my fault.

Tristan's pov

I feel like Bethany running waya was my fault. I was the one who pressured her to tell everyone that she almost cut. I mean, I told her she didn't have to tell until she was ready, but I still told her to do it. It's not like just the two of us knew that it happened. Bradley, James, and Connor already did. I regret everything that has happened this week.

Connor's pov

We were all glad that Beth was back. Everything could've been worse. I mean, her almost cutting herself could be a secret just between her and Tris, she could've ran somewhere we never would've thought to look, that sort of thing. Always think positive.

James's pov

I'm so happy that we're all reunited again. It feels like we're all a big happy family. Well, just a big family when Beth ran away but she's back now. Thanks to Ashton.

Louis's pov

I'm glad Beth is back. Now I can have some help pranking the others. I mean, not that I need it, but she's expertly secretly a ninja prankster. Like me. Her presence will make pranking better.

Liam's pov

Now that Beth is back, I have to watch her to make sure that she doesn't run away again. Paul and I had a long talk about it over the phone and we both agreed that I'm the most responsible so I should keep an eye on her.

Niall's pov

Thank goodness Beth is back. Now I'm not going to be the only one who gets yelled at for eating too much. I mean, everyone eats. But aperentally I "eat all the food and leave very little for everyone else". Psh, I leave the others food.


Zayn's pov

Now that Beth is back, we can share outfit advice and I can help her with her hair. And I'm glad that she's safe and sound back with us. Can't leave that out.

Luke's pov

When Beth ran away, I was scared to death. I felt like she either was never going to come back or that we would never find her. But Ashton did. And I couldn't feel more happy.

Calum's pov

I'm so happy that Ashton found Beth. Now when I start to write a song, she can help me with it and give advice on how I can fix it and make it better. She also has a way of words that help.

Ashton's pov

I'm so glad that I found Beth. I was scared to death that we'd never see her again, but BAM!! There she was, standing in front of me at Starbucks. It was a miracle. Now she's safe and sound back with us, and it's going to stay like that for a very long time.

Or at least until she moves out for college.

But comes back to live with us after she graduates.

Paul's pov

When Liam called me saying that Beth ran away, we had to take quick measures. I sent the boys back to London while management and I go around looking in all the places that the boys stopped at for tour, or were going to stop at.

Two days later when I got another call from Liam saying that Ashton found her, I was happy. As happy as could be.

Even though I forced Harry to adopt someone for publicity, I'm glad it was Beth. I was afraid it was going to be a kid that I wouldn't grow used to, that I would barely be able to stand. Harrold did good.


Hey guys!! I've been working on this chapter all day! I couldn't think of what to add next, so I had everybody's perspective on Beth running away and when she got back. And sorry about the picture of my dog. I couldn't find another picture that I liked to put up there.



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