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Bethany's pov

'Did you write that yourself? It's brilliant.'


'Um, yeah,' I looked at the ground. 'I couldn't sleep last night so I wrote down the music and then this morning I just wrote down whatever came to my head. Please don't tell the others about this. I'm saving it for Harry's birthday.'

He smiled. 'Of course. This can be our little secret.'

I smiled back. 'Thank you, Paul. I didn't know what to get him so I wanted to do something homemade and I guess I did.'

'It's beautiful, Beth. He's going to love it.'

'Thanks Paul.'


Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm saving a lot of stuff for the next chapter which will be Harry's birthday so it's going to be a lot longer.

So I started a new book! It's called Wanted and I only have two chapters up but I still think it sucks. The description is below:

Belle is a sixteen year old teenager who moves from the United Kingdom to America with her family just so she can go to a special performing arts school. When she gets there, she falls for the guy that everyone wants but can't have. At some point, she suddenly gets all depressed all the time and feels like no one cares about her, but little does she know that her crush likes her as well. In this story, all Belle wants is to feel wanted by the important people in her life and her crush.

Like I said, it sucks so far, but in chapter two Phoenix Snow is introduced!!

So yeah. Oh, and a heads up, I'm going to be gone from Thursday morning to Saturday afternoon.

My dog smells bad,

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