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*a/n it was 12:15 am when I started this so bare with me, peeps.*

Bethany's POV

'Let me explain,' Jax stood up and walked over to me.'

'No,' I pushed him away, 'just no. There is nothing that needs to be explained. Just get out before I lose my head.'

'Just call me if you decide that you want to talk.'

After Jax left my room, I slammed my door closed so hard that everyone in the house could hear it to give them a clue. But of course they can't take a hint.

'You okay? I heard a door slam and...' Michael walked into my room then sat on the bed. 'What's wrong?'

'I'm not okay,' I huffed, crossing my arms like a five year old. 'I slammed the door to give you people a clue, and everything's wrong. My life is messed up, my brother hates me, I just wish that sometimes I could just disappear, vanish from the face of the earth. Then maybe I'll get noticed. Then I'll get the fourteen years worth of lost love from my brother. I can't deal with this anymore!'

* Michael's POV

'I can't deal with this anymore!' Bethany shouts. Poor thing.

I put my hand on her knee. 'The lads and I'll make sure he never comes into this house again.'

'Thanks, michael.'

'No problem.'

*The next morning

I woke up stuck to a bed that wasn't mine or Luke's. I looked down and saw that Bethany fell asleep with her head rested on my lap. I smiled as I picked up her head softly and gently set it down on her pillow.

I walked downstairs to be greeted by six pairs of angry eyes, three sets of frowns, and a years worth of yelling.

I put my hand up. 'Before you start yelling at me, I was in Bethany's room comforting her. We both ended up falling asleep, that's were she is now, in a deep slumber. Not a coma though.'

The boys pulled me into a hug. 'No scaring us like that again, Michael.' Calum scolded.

I gave him a look. 'Remember: C.A.L.M.! Stay calm and remember C.A.L.M. Can you do that for me, Cal?'

'Yes, dad.' He responded with too much sarcasm.

'Good. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me.'

*Bethany's POV

I woke up. It felt like winter, the sharp, cool breeze, the way you can hear the wind snap and howl. I instantly grabbed my hoodie and pulled it over my shivering body, pulling it close.

'Good morning, chaps,' I smiled a toothy grin in Ashton, Luke, and Calum's way. 'How are you?'



'Never better.'

'That's good to hear.' I took a bite of the big, red, juicy apple, moaning with how good it tasted. 'So what's going on today?'

'Not much,' Ashton responded, biting into a putrid banana.(a/n: when I wrote this I got reminded of their keek where michael and luke were messing around then Ashton walked behind them eating a banana.)

'I think Harry said that he wants to do something with you today,' Luke spoke up.

I took another big bite out of the Fuji. 'That's nice. I think that that'd be kinda fun. Well I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower. Talk to you boys later!'

*skip shower

I got out of the shower, put on my Hollister sweats, an ATL shirt, white Vans, a dark gray beanie, blew dry my hair, threw it up in a fishtail braid, and wandered back downstairs.

'Hello, love.' Harry chirped when he saw me.

'Hi, Harry.' I bit my lip, still nervous about talking to him.

'You look nice,' Michael said blushing after I turned in his direction.

'Thanks,' I blushed as well.

'Okay,' Harry clapped his hands together. 'You ready to head out, Beth?'

'Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be.'


Hey people of Candy Land! So I started writing this at 12:15 am as I said at the top, and yea. I'll get to the ending time after I sign off.

So my rabbit is just driving me inZAYN right now. I just wanna kick her out of my room. But I can't.

And at school my English teacher told me to write with detail so I decided to do it and I ain't gonna do it again.

Anyways, thanks for reading!
Amerika 🌷

PS: I finished this chap at 1:23 am

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