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*Bethany's pov*

Today's the day! It's Kris's birthday!! I jumped out of bed and into the shower and washed myself up. Then I threw on ripped black skinny jeans that Luke got me, one of Louis's striped shirts, and stole Ashton's yellow bandana. Then I went to wake everyone else up.

"Wake up!" I shouted in everyone's ears when I jumped on their bed. "Come on, you need to get ready! We're gonna be late for Kris's party!" That didn't work..." There's gonna be food!"

Then they all got ready. Michael was the first one done so he came and sat by me in the car waiting for the rest of the idiots to come.

"How are you feeling?" Michael asked me, putting a hand on my knee.

I sighed and put my head on his shoulder. "I don't know. I want to see Kris but I don't want to run into the caretaker because she would always beat me and yell at me. Only me. But I have to see her because she has to know who is coming to the party who isn't at the home."

Michael pulled me closer to him. "Don't worry. The lads and I will protect you from her. We won't let her lay a hand on you. I won't let her lay a hand on you."

I smiled and looked into Mikey's eyes. "Thanks, Clifford. That means a lot to me."

Just then all the boys pile into the car. "Michael, you're in the front with Ashton." Harry said, pushing Michael out the door.

"What's wrong Beth?" Harry asked.

"Nothing." I muttered, turning to look out my window to show Harry that I didn't want to talk.

We just arrived at my old home. I was scared to death to go inside. Michael could tell I was by the look on my face so he came over and grabbed my hand. "It'll be okay," he whispered into my ear.

When we got inside I was greeted by a very hyper Kris. "Bethany!" She squealed.

"Kris!" I mocked her. I let go of Mikey's hand and pulled my best friend into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" The most shrill and disgusting voice rang behind me.

"Ms. Miller. I invited Bethany here." Kris pushed be behind her. "She's my best friend. I couldn't have this party without her being here. She's like my little sister."

"I never said you could invite her! I told you to invite anyone you wanted but her!" The caretaker yelled at Kris.

"Don't you get it? She's the only person I want here! She's the only one who gets who I am!" Kris yelled back. I never thought she had it in her.

'Whatever. If you need me I'll be in my office.' Ms. Miller walked away, defeated.

'Thanks, Kris.' I smiled and walked out from behind her. 'I never knew you had that in you.'

'Eh,' she shrugged. 'I've kept it in since I first got here and had to get it out before I left.'

I smiled as I walked back over to Mikey and the others.

We went around and played some of the games, ate some of the food, some of the lads danced like idiots, then we had to go. Almost all of the boys had to leave in less than a week and haven't started getting ready to go yet.

I sighed, got into the car, sat in between Mikey and Harry, and fell asleep.


Hey! So I'm at school right now but it's technically a free hour so I decided to work on this. Grace_Melver isn't here today and I hate her for it but we can't help it if we're sick.

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