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I woke up in the middle of the night to see that my head was on Michael's shoulder and my feet were draped over Harry. I smiled, got up, and went to my room. I didn't deserve these lads.


I woke up again around noon to someone jumping on me, begging for something.

'What do you want,' I groaned.

'I want someone to drop us off at the airport. The plane leaves in two hours.' Michael.

'Too bad. Have someone else go. I want to sleep.'

Michael pushed me off my bed. 'I guess you don't want any food or money or anything for the next six months. Besides, Harry needs to talk to you.'

I sighed. 'Tell him that I'm busy.'

'Busy with what?' Harry's voice rang in my room.

'I'm busy sleeping. Now get out. The both of you.' I threw my pillow, hitting Michael on the nose.

Harry fled, but Michael didn't budge an inch. 'You're asking for it,' He grumbled.

'What did I do?' I acted all innocent.

Michael lunged toward me, and pinned me on the ground then shrugged. 'You asked for it. And you know what you did, Beth.'

I tried to push him off me. 'Fine. I'm sorry I threw the pillow at you and I'll go with you to the airport. Just get off of me and let me get ready or I'm not going to text or call you for six months.'

Michael rolled his eyes and got up then helped me. 'Now go get ready. But wear this shirt.' He tossed it to me.

I want into my bathroom after I got my clothes and looked at the shirt Michael gave me. His red plaid button up. I quickly for dressed and ready then went down to the kitchen where everyone was talking, throwing food, and having fun. I smiled to myself.

'Look who's alive!' Louis exclaimed while shoving a slice of pizza in my face.

I slapped it out of his hand. 'In not in the mood, Tomlinson.'

'Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,' Niall whispered to Liam.

'What did you say, Horan?' I was really not in the mood for anything.

'Aww,' Harry cooed. ' Is it that time of the-'

I threw myself at him. 'No! I'm gonna get you for that, Styles!' I got off of him and ran back to my room and his under the covers.

'Come on Beth, you know that we're just messing with you.' Louis.

'No.' I took the covers off my face. 'It's my fault. I'm the one who started yelling and acting like a child. It's- I know that you guys were just playing. I bet that tou guys are happy that you're getting away from me for six months.'

'That's not true! We all care about you. You should've heard Harry after you walked out of the kitchen. He said that he didn't mean to upset you.'

'Speaking of Styles,' I started. 'Michael said that Curly wants to tell me something.'

'I'll go get him.' Louis darted out of the room before I could protest.

Two minutes later Harry walked in. 'Instead of us being gone for six months and you stay here with Bradley, James, Connor, and Tristan, you guys are going to stay in a hotel in America where we're going to meet you. How does that sound?'

I sighed. 'I don't have a choice. I know that I have to go no matter how I feel about it. How are we gonna get there?'

'You're taking a plane. It leaves an hour after ours. Don't worry, those boys will take good care of you. If they don't, call or text me and I'll get you put of there. I promise.'

I smiled. 'Thanks Harry.'

'Of course.' He smiled back. 'Now you better start packing. Michael will have to deal with you not coming to the airport with us.'

'Yeah. You lads better get going! The plane will be getting here soon!'


An hour later I was all packed up and ready to go. I picked up my suitcases and brought them downstairs. 'I'll miss this place,' I whispered to myself.

'Hey, you ready to go?' Connor put a hand on my shoulder.

'As ready as I'll ever be.' I looked up and gave him a small smile.


Hey!! So I just got bored, it's winter break, I have nothing to do, so I decided to update.

All you 5sos fans, can you maybe check out my new fanfic? It's called Texts and it's the first book in the series. It's about Luke then the next one will be Calum and then Ashton then Michael. Then the last book will not be in text mode where the lads tell each other about the mystery girl they've been texting/messaging. Each book will be on a different social media. Luke is text, Calum will be twitter, Ashton will be Snapchat and Michael will be Instagram.

So when I was writing the part about the plane, Airplanes by 5sos started playing so that song is perfect for this chap.

Happy reading everyone!!

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