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Bethany's POV

I got out of my crappy bed -I never fell back asleep after the nightmare- and wandered down the stairs to be greeted by the smell of breakfast. I bet that Kris is in charge of cooking today. She's the best cook in this torture house.

As I was eating my waffles with berries and apple cider, our caretaker came on the speakers. 'Don't forget that today is another adoption day. When you are done getting ready, come to the main lobby for all the lovely folks waiting to adopt. Thank you for being flexible, ladies.'

I rolled my eyes and went up to my room to get dressed because I showered before breakfast. I put on an All Time Low crop top, ripped leggings, my pink converse, and a black beanie over my long curly ginger locks.

When I got down the stairs, the best thing happened. There were a ton of families. I had a chance to get adopted. I doubted it because no one wants a kid with anxiety, who has often panic attacks, and who is emotionally imbalanced. In other words, I have emotional breakdowns.


Harry's POV

I mean what the freak. Paul said that I had to adopt a kid to show that I can be responsible and not just a, well a kid. I really didn't want to adopt anyone, but then I saw this ginger in the corner with an All Time Low shirt and a black beanie hiding her gingerness. She's the one I want to adopt.

'Excuse me, miss?' I tapped on the caretaker's shoulder. 'Who's the ginger in the corner?'

'Oh. Her. That's Bethany Robertson. She's sixteen years old, she's been living here for fourteen years because no one wants her.' The caretaker yawned. 'Are you sure you want to adopt her? She has issues. You don't want her.'

I pulled my lips into a straight line. 'Can I please borrow a pen?'

I signed the papers then walked over to the gin- Bethany and reached my hand out to her. 'Come here, you're coming home with me. I'll help you pack your stuff.' I smiled so I didn't seem intimating.

* Bethany's POV

He smiled at me as a grabbed his hand with my clammy one. He pulled me up and I lead him to my room so we could get my stuff.

'Oh, by the way, the name's Styles. Harry Styles.' He face palmed.

I giggled softly as I put all my memories in a backpack. Harry lead me to a limo and we drove off to my new house.


Hey everybody! So I've been thinking a lot all month. Just so many things are going on in my life. JuliaGreen3 you know what I'm talking about.

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