Chapter Twenty Eight

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Bethany's pov

It took a few days, but I finally got to hang out with Mikey. Because I had been trapped in the house for about four days, he decided it would've been good for me to get out so he took me to a park.

'We could've just stayed at the house, Michael,' I stared. 'We could've walked around the neighbourhood. We didn't have to drive all the way out here and-'

'Shut up, Beth,' Michael shook his head. 'I wanted to take you to this park. You've been stuck in the neighbourhood and I thought it was time for you to get out so shut up.'

'You do know that I hate you Michael, right?'

'And I hate you. Glad we settled it.'

I punched him in the gut. 'You don't say that when your taking a girl out. You never say that. Hatred is one of the things that had ruined my life before Harry adopted me. Hatred is what leads to people getting killed. It could even lead to suicide. No more hatred, even when joking. I know I said I hate you, and I regret it because I've said it forever from being in that awful place.'

'Wait, are you saying that this is a date?' Michael raised his eyebrow.

'I don't know. I've never been on one so I have no clue what they're like.' I bit my lip. 'It's stupid. But, I mean, so am I so what's the difference?'

'Beth, you're not stupid. Don't ever say anything that would bring you down. You're one of the best people that has entered my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.'


'It's true, Bethany. My world would be pointless without you in it. I'd still be traveling the world with little breaks seeing thousands of fans that I'll never get to meet or have a decent conversation with. I wouldn't have anyone to watch pointless movies with. I wouldn't have somebody to sing dumb kid songs with.

'What I'm trying to say is that... I'm trying to say that I love you.'


Hey. So right as I typed "I love you" the song I was listening to the last lyrics were i love you. But anyways...

It's a cliffhanger!! Sorry it took me so long to update and the chapter is short, but I've been sick, I got my phone taken away just because I was depressed, I've been busy, so this just slipped from my mind. So I'll be trying to update at least once a week or so.

I'm thinking about like two more chapters or something and then a sequel maybe??


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