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Bethany's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. 'Bethany,' Niall whined. 'Wake up! I'm hungry!'

I rolled over, causing Niall to fall off the bed, landing on his backside. 'And that's what you get for waking me.'

'But you have to admit that you're hungry.'

Okay okay, I was hungry, but I didn't want anyone to know. But then my stomach growled.

'Looks like you are hungry.' Niall crossed his arms.

'Fine.' I huffed, also crossing my arms. 'You win. But I'm not gonna eat that much.'

I walked down the stairs to see the boys with their shoes on, all ready to go. I grab my shoes, tug them on, then follow the lads out to the car.

'So,' Ashton started. 'We're we going Bethany?'

'Nando's?' I asked, then got a giant hug from Niall.

'You,' he said, 'are officially my best mate!'

I laughed out loud for the first time in forever. 'Okay, Niall, you can get off me now.'


'Its fine, you were just crushing my ribs.'


A little while later, we arrived. 'How many today?' The host asked.

'Fourteen.' Niall responded.

'Right this way.'

We all sat down at a circular booth looking at our menus.

'Drinks?' The waitress asked.

'Pepsi's' and 'coke's' rang out from the room.

'Be right back with that.'


We got back home and everyone plopped down onto a couch or chair. I ended up in between Tristan and Michael.

'So,' Connor says, trying to break the awkward silence, 'who wants to watch a movie?'

'Me's' rang out so Connor put in the first film he grabbed; The Little Mermaid. Wait, what? I shot out a questioning glace and the boys just shrugged. I rolled my eyes and watched the movie.

*the next day*

I woke up, noticing that I wasn't in my room. I was on a couch with my legs draped over Tristan as my head on Michael.

I slowly got up and headed to the kitchen to see Niall and Zayn. 'Morning.' I chirped.

'Morning,' they mocked my voice.

'What's for breakfast?'

'Cereal or pop tarts.' Zayn responded. 'That's all we have left. Some of the lads will go food shopping while some go on a shopping spree with us.'

Crap. I forgot all about the shopping trip with Zayn. Crap. 'When you we have to leave?'

'For shopping?' Zayn looked at a clock. 'Right about now so we can male it home before sundown. Michael, Tristan, Louis, Ashton, and Bradley! Get loaded up in the limo! We're taking Bethany shopping!'

'Kay!' They yelled back, annoyed that they got woken up just to take me shopping. If they wanted to blame someone, they should blame Zayn. Not me.

We got to the mall and I tried to run to the food court, but Michael grabbed my by my waist. 'No food yet. We have to shop first.' He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my back.

I pulled away from him and walked into the nearest store which happened to be Hollister.


'Finally!' I shouted. 'Beautiful food! Where have you been? You missed the torture of me trying on every piece of clothing from every single store. You, my friend, are very lucky.'

The boys just laughed. 'You and Niall will get along just fine,' Louis said with a mouthful of carrots.

'Louis! Wait til you're done chewing to speak, stupid!' I shook the chewed up carrots off my arms and hair.


'Just learn from this. Because next time something bad is going to happen.'


We walked into the house, our arms full of bags. Seriously, I did NOT need all this stuff, but they insisted. They practically bought a whole stores worth of clothes!

I went up to my room after a long day of shopping to find Jax sitting there. I dropped everything I was holding, shocked. What the you know what was he doing here?


Hey ppl of Jupiter!! So I just got bored so I desided to update!!

I've been doing a lot today, just like yesterday, but I'm bored now and one of my friends isn't helping.

So my friend Julia and I are playing FMK and she would marry milk, f water and kill Pepsi. I was like wtf and told her that she should've switched water and Pepsi.

Anyways, thanks for reading this!!

Amerika 🌸

PS, have you ever heard the song Broken Home by 5sos? Omg, the first time I heard it I burst out in tears. It still makes me cry. Just like Amnesia. Anyways, I'll let you get back to your life. Peace out!! ✌

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