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*Bethany's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of voices yelling.

'No! Just no! You can't and that is the final answer!'


'No buts! I'm going downstairs. I'll be there when you get your brain fixed.'

Harry walked out into the hall, his face red from yelling. 'Hey Beth.'

'Hey, Haz.' I raised an eyebrow. 'What's up?'

'Not much, just heading downstairs to get some breakfast, if Niall left us anything.'

So Harry and I walked down the stairs together, in an awkward silence, I might add. I decided to speak up.

'Who were you talking to?' I asked.

'It doesn't matter,' Harry muttered under his breath.

I roll my eyes and rush faster to the kitchen. 'Hey peeps!'

'Ugh!' Louis grunted. 'Where's the caffeine and sugar?'

I laughed and turned towards Liam. 'What's up with Harry? I mean who spit in his food?'

'I don't know.' Liam replied. 'Just give him some space. He'll cool down eventually.'

'Kay. Thanks Liam.'


Hey guys! Sorry about the short chap, its just that I've been busy, an I'll still be busy. Especially next week because of my birthday, I'm going out of town for my great grandmother's thing. Its not a funeral, but its something to help ppl remember her like who she was and what she did in this world.

And here's a little info- I will not be in town the last two weeks of July. I will be on vacation the second to last week and the last week I'll be at a girls camp. Just so you know.

I'll update it as soon as I can, I'll have a ton of free time sitting around cuz I hurt my ankle badly yesterday.


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