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*Bethany's POV

I woke up the next morning, the smell of eggs strong in my room. I got up, not bothering to change and went downstairs to get some food. I hoped it was good. 

'Morning.' Michael chirped when I walked into the kitchen. 'What are you hungry for?'

'Whatever there is.' I yawned. 'How'd you wake up before me anyways?'

'I couldn't sleep.' Michael put a plate full of eggs in front of me. 'Here you go.'


'How you feeling?'

I sighed. 'I don't want you guys to leave without me, I've had a hard time being alone. But I also want you guys to go and follow your dreams. I can learn to deal without you boys being here. I mean, I've dealt with not living with my brother so-' my phone went off.

Curly-Hey Beth. I get you're wondering why I'm not at home with you guys. I'm out getting some of the stuff that we still need for tour. Only Bradley, James, Connor, Tristan, and Michael are there with you. Text me when you get this, I know that you like to sleep late when you can. -H

Me- Sup Curly. Actually, I just noticed that you are gone. Everyone must still be asleep except for Mikey who woke me up by the smell of eggs. Hope you lads find what you need. I might not be home when you get back because I'm going to be out helping Kris move out of the care. I'll take one of the boys with me so you don't have to worry. I'll bring back food too if needed. Just text me what everyone wants and I'll get it, it'll probably take forever to help Kris with all the junk she has bought over the years. -H

'Hey, Mikey?' I asked.

'Yeah B?'

'Do mind helping me help Kris move out of the care? She found a great flat but needs help bringing her stuff there.'

'Of course,' Michael smiled.

'Thanks,' I smiled back. 'We should be leaving right about now if we want to get back before dark. Just saying.'

'Then let's go!'

Michael pulled me by the hand into the car then out into the care when we arrived. I snatched my hand back, blushing.

'Hey Beth!' Kris exclaimed.

'Hey!' I smiled back. 'Let's just get this over with.'


'We're back!' Michael yelled when we walked through the door. 'We've for food!'

Niall came running over to me because I was holding the bags. I lifted them up as high as I could. 'Nope, you gotta wait for everyone else to get here. Styles has the first choice on food.'

Niall sat on the ground and pouted. 'I want food now.'

'Deal with it ya big baby.'

Once everyone for their food, Tristan put in Maze Runner and we all fell asleep to the voice of the wonderful Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

Merry Christmas everyone!! This is my present to you- a new chap of the story!! I just had to work in Maze Runner and TBS cuz they great. So I got all of the tmr books and I started to freak cuz I've been wanting that for who knows how long.

Anyways, hope you have a good Christmas!! 5 more days til I'm going to a New Year's dance. I'm scared to death cuz idk if my crush will be there or nah, but whatever. My older bro can't know that I'm looking forward to the dance.


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