I knew you would be busy…I didn’t think, I just…you’re on the check, official Royal business! I thought letting out a frustrated breath. From beside me, the ice cream man interrupted me by handing me the three ice creams I’d bought. Muttering my thanks I went over and dejectedly took a seat on a nearby bench, mentally scolding myself for my foolishness.

It wasn’t foolish! He finally consoled, after waiting patiently as he watched curiously through my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Unexpected; definitely, but its always nice to hear from you. He murmured gently. As intended it sent warmth radiating through my body and soothed me softly, though I still should have known better.

I did it without thinking; will you accept my apologies? Your family and the Alpha included? I am terribly sorry.

Shhhh! He hushed before explaining to the Queen upon seeing the puzzled look on her face. “She wants us all to accept her many apologies for the interruption.” The Queen’s face softened from confusion into a bright smile.

“Apology heartily accepted my dear.” Spoke the Queen gently. And I was always going to forgive you; I welcome the interruption any time. Joined Kellen happily, making me smile.

“Ana! Ana! Ana!” Looking up briefly, I saw Tyron and Kara running towards me through a sea of little faces, but I looked away quickly, smiling at the exuberance overflowing them. Noticing the sudden softening of my thoughts, I felt the question in his mind.

I surprised us both with my interruption, I must go now but can we speak later? I ask tentatively, unconsciously holding my breath in the fear he might turn me away.

Of course! Open your link and I’ll know to reach out, or as you’ve now noticed I’m free to talk whenever, though this evening would be preferable. He teased lightly, causing a goofish grin to appear out of nowhere and overpower my features.

This evening it shall be. I smiled. Speak then your Majesty.

Laughing lightly he returned Looking forward to it, until then beautiful. I felt my cheeks heat and my breath hitch briefly as I closed the link. He called me beautiful…

Putting him out of my mind, I quickly pulled myself back to where I was and looked up grinning, meeting equally Kara and Tyron’s happiness as I handed them their ice creams.

We stayed a little longer at the park, until the sky started to turn and darken, at which point we began our trip home, Kara and Tyron happily bubbling joyfully about how they had enjoyed the day. With one last treat in store for them I headed off the main road, on my way to their next surprise; suspecting my motives they began excitedly jumping around again…

PROWESS. (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz