Boxed In

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~Author's note~ Here, as promised is this Wednesday's update for all you cool cats that take the time to read the things that fall out of my head and land on a keyboard. And as cool cats I feel it my duty to tell you that we may have a bit of a problem with next Wednesday. Possibly even two bits of a problem, first being that I will be going camping. Yes, in a tent, with no electricity and therefore.....*tears in eyes*..... no wifi.


Second is the fact that the way I write this story is about as organised as pigeons in a business meeting. I publish one chapter on a Wednesday, I start writing the next. And as it stands I am well and truly stuck.

But do not worry wonderful reader. Where there is a will, there is a way. And I'll be damned if I let my updates slip over writer's block and the eternally raining hell that is camping in dear old England...

*weeps quietly in a corner...we're all doomed....*


"Are you mad?"

"Chill out Azeolar." I said to the small demon who was lying back in the middle of my bed, his little hand-paws thrown up in the air in frustration.

"It's gonna be fine."

"It most definitely is not going to be fine." He replied, rolling onto his front and pacing around the bed, leaving small dents in the covers with each step. "Do you have any idea how dangerous an angry Angel is?"

"I mean I've met two..."

"Two low ranking Angels who were in comparison, only mildly pissed. You have absolutely no idea what is coming for you, you should be running, like, right now. Not doing your god damn hair!"

The battle was just a little over a day away. It had been three weeks since I had appeared out of the table and since then it had been constant madness. I had been training all day, every day. And in this first moment to myself I just wanted to brush my hair and pretend that I wasn't about to go and get murdered by a hoard of angry Angels. Azeolar was not prepared to be so calm and had been pacing around my bed for the last fifty minutes, periodically reminding me that I was going to die.

"Allie can handle herself, right Allie?"

I spun away from the little demon doing perimeter walks on my bed to find Asmodeus standing in the doorway. He did not look happy.


"She knows exactly what she is doing." His tone was accusatory and his ruby eyes smouldered with anger.

"Asmodeus look, I- I meant to tell you but I was actually kind of abducted."

"Oh, I know. You always have been extremely good at getting into trouble."

"Ok before you start getting all mad at me, I'm a grown ass woman. I can do whatever or whoever I want, you don't own me just cause we slept together." I turned my attention back to my reflection, trying to hide from his penetrating gaze. Admittedly I did feel a bit bad, but at the same time I doubted he would think twice before fucking someone else.

Quicker than I could blink I felt him come up behind me, placing one hand on my waist and another over my heart he pulled me strongly against him.

"Own you?" He questioned, his voice was low and smooth as silk. "I may not own you, but I could make you wish I did." He brought his lips down to my neck and kissed me gently. My insides melted and flames burst into my scarlet eye. My breath hitched in my throat and Asmodeus smiled against my skin.

Darned to HeckOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant