Dog Food

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I knocked lightly at the door.

"Enter." Came the short reply, I did as I was told and slowly pushed the door open, entering the room and bowing my head to my Father before I spoke.

"I have come to collect Allison as requested Father."

I was met only by silence and a look of shock which faded into humour.

"Still playing jokes at your age Belphegor, honestly you rather ought to have grown up by now don't you think?"

"Jokes?" I questioned, I couldn't help the confusion which clouded over my expression as I stood patiently by the door. I felt the slight but familiar tugging as my Father sifted quickly through my thoughts, his smile quickly faded and my breath hitched as a hiss of fury escaped his lips.

I fought my natural instinct to step back as he stood sharply, thick curved claws erupted from the tips of his fingers and a long whip like tail sliced violently through the air. If I had moved from fear he would surely have attacked me, as any sign of weakness was not tolerated. This didn't however change the fact that I was indeed, rather more than petrified of my father in this form.

"BRING IT TO ME." He spat.


Allie is gone.

The thought reverberated around the mind connection I shared with my brothers for communication as my muscles bunched and released rapidly, throwing me forward at a pace much faster than I usually adopted as I hurtled toward the quarters of the fallen angel.

What?  The first to respond was not entirely unexpected, though I did wonder what Lucifer was doing that had prevented him from his usual title of answering before you had even spoken.

What do you mean Allie is gone? ­­Leviathan repeated, seemingly frustrated at the moment's pause in my response.

I was to escort her to her room from Father's office. I had been told that it was important she rest and specifically that she was not to be agitated in any way which I thought to be peculiar. However when I arrived at Father's office to collect her he thought I was joking, after he realised I was not he became absolutely furious and sent me to fetch the angel, which is what I am doing now.

I will meet you there. The anger of Leviathan was palpable through his thoughts and I felt the shift in his mind as he turned from man to hound.

Asmodeus whom I knew to be away on business crashed his consciousness into the mind space with all the grace of a hyperventilating bulldog.


If it were possible for one to go physically deaf from an internal monologue I surely would have at that point.

Calm yourself Asmodeus, it is unclear who has taken her, she may simply have run away again of her own accord. It is no secret that she does not see eye to eye with Father and his plans for her.

The calm reasoning of Lucifer echoed my thoughts on the matter and though I was worried for her safety I was reassured by the fact that she could be easily located and returned to the palace by Father. And that she was powerful enough to look after herself should she be threatened in her short trip outside, I only wished that she didn't feel she had to escape from us, though I couldn't say I blamed her.

Why is Belphegor fetching the Angel then? Satan spoke up in between the thoughts, his small comment made me stop in my tracks. Why was I fetching the Angel? Now I thought about it I had been offered no explanation as to where Allie had gone, Father would not have allowed her to leave unless she had been escorted specifically by me in this instance. And if she had not been escorted by me...


My stomach dropped and I began to run again, this time shifting effortlessly into the form of a cat in which I could run even faster than Leviathan. He had however, created a portal and I felt the spike of his rage as he crashed through the door of the fallen angel.

The Angel's quarters were small, though even if they had stretched further than the eye could see he would not have been able to run from the fury of my brother. I burst into the room moments after Leviathan, to be greeted by the sight of his jaws clamped tightly around the Angel's neck. The eyes of Remiel bulged in fear as the sharp teeth began to break the skin.

"Leviathan!" A commanding voice shot over my head before I had chance to speak, I didn't have to look to know that Lucifer was stood behind me. His voice was cold and harsh, and as the oldest brother he had a level of authority over us which even in his rage driven state Leviathan could not ignore. His sharp black ears pricked up and he looked directly at Lucifer, he did not release the Angel, but had at least loosened his grip.

"Move away." There was no anger in my brother's voice, but every threat of it if he was ignored. Very reluctantly Leviathan dropped his victim, before placing a large paw directly on his chest.

"You may be a demon now, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't kill you just as fast as I would an Angel." He snapped into the face of Remiel, glistening teeth only inches away from his now muddied blue eyes. Leviathan removed his paw and stepped back a few paces before sitting on his haunches and licking his muzzle hungrily. Not once did he cease his intensely furious glare at the fallen Angel whom now released, still had not made a move to get up.

"I know." Remiel replied calmly. Though he had lost some of his amazing future telling abilities, he was still irritatingly good at guessing, leaving me in no doubt that he knew what had happened to Allie.

"I apologise for the actions of my brother." Lucifer began as Remiel continued to stare somewhat blankly at the ceiling "But it seems that your presence is required by my Father for a rather urgent matter, if you wouldn't mind." Lucifer stood aside in the doorway and motioned for Remiel to stand. The Angel-turned-Demon twisted his head to face my brother, he did not bother to wipe away the small trickle of blood that ran down his neck and stained the collar of his shirt. I wondered if he even noticed it.

"I would be honoured." His gentle voice blew through the room like a calm breeze, although he still smelt like an Angel I could see that he would become quite a powerful demon. "If you can promise that I will not be made into dog food that is." A sunny smile lit up his features and he crossed his hands over his chest, not seeming to feel inclined to do anything my brother said until it suited him. The air of confidence seemed to mock Leviathans attack and he growled at the Angel threateningly.

I walked the two paces between us and offered my hand to him. "I can promise that much." I said. I quite liked Remiel, even if he had been an Angel it seemed that he had been a rather peculiar one, and I hoped that there would be a time when I could satisfy my curiosity upon that subject.

He looked at me then, his once piercingly blue eyes had now become a dark violet as the blue mixed with red, soon they would be nothing but crimson. And he would be nothing but demon.

"Well then." He spoke, taking my outstretched hand and getting to his feet "Let us not keep the King waiting."

Darned to HeckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora