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I looked over the edge of the table. My mom was peeling apples for the pie, she cut them, one, two, three. "Roll out the pastry Allie, this is going to be a special pie." I nodded and pulled a chair out, I climbed onto it and took the rolling pin in my hands. I rolled the pastry, one, two, three. A drop of water fell onto my arm and rolled down it. It began to pour. "Raining in the kitchen, that is never good." My mom commented, standing and throwing the pan of apples into the trash. "Take out the trash Allie. The apples are bad. There's no place for bad apples." I nodded and hopped down from my chair. I looked into the trash, all the apples were rotten. "There's no place for bad apples Allie." She said as she pushed me into the trash "No, Mom! I'm sorry!" I yelled. She closed the bag. It got tighter and tighter and I couldn't breathe.

I woke suddenly in my oversized bedroom, suffocated by the covers of the equally oversized bed. Lashing out my arms I threw them off me before sitting up and wiping the sweat from my forehead. What the fuck was that all about? I flopped back into the pile of overly soft pillows behind me groaning and rubbing my head. Ugh I need a glass of water.

I hopped off the side of the quadruple king sized four poster bed and walked over to the curtains, drawing them back and sighing at the view. "There's no moon here..." I mumbled. Why would there be? you're underground remember. I sighed again thinking about the last time I saw the sky and walked over to the massive door on the other side of the room. Cracking it open slightly I peered out.

"Is there a problem, my dear?" a white demon hissed through the crack making me jump. I slammed the door shut in his face, would've trapped his nose if he had one. Why are they always so fucking creepy? And guards, seriously, he's put fucking guards outside my room? Control freak. Like I could run away from this place anyway, I can't even remember the way to the fucking en-suite bathroom. I sunk back into the edge of my bed. I could always ask those guys to get me some water... No, you know what no. If I want to go get some water I can go get myself some god damn water. I don't need a freakin babysitter to get it for me. I stood up determinedly and took a step toward the door.

There are guards out there moron. My inner voice snidely reminded me.

Shut up I'm working on it.

I ran my eyes around the room. I'm pretty sure this room is about five massive storeys off the ground so the window is friggin useless, although apparently I can't actually die since I'm already dead so I'm not going to rule it out completely... hmm... I could knock them out with something then run?

Yeah and you could beat Muhammad Ali in a boxing match too could you? Look at your scrawny lil chicken arms and think again stupid.

I can't believe I'm getting on my own nerves. Why are you such a bitch?

Technically I am you so what you should really be asking is ' why am I such a bitch?' unfortunately I can't answer that so I'm going to go with 'You just are.'

I'm so glad I got stuck with you for a brain. 


"Ok so, no window, no door. How else can I get out of here..." I walked around the room and leant against the wall by the door. UGH why am I stuck in here anyway- why can't I just have super strength or some shit and break through the wall?...Wait! The wall! Holy shit I can go through the wall! I spun around and put my hands on the bare stone of the wall, slightly cold underneath my fingers I felt the familiar hum trickle faintly across my skin. Oho yes, I may be a bitch, but at least I'm a clever one.

Placing my hands palm flat against the wall I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I'm probably crazy for even considering this...
"Here goes nothing..." I tensed my shoulders, forcing constant firm pressure onto the surface of the rock. Focus... foocus...

Wake up. I commanded, the hum grew in its intensity, curling out from under my fingers and flickering over my knuckles but that's as far as it would go. C'mon what are you doing? Let me in. I pressed into it harder, my breathing becoming harsher with the effort. "C'monn" I panted. "Why- HH- aren't you—HH—doing—any-HH-thing?" I gasped and fell forward against the wall.

Well that worked well.

I'm not in the mood for your sarcastic commentary right now so if you could please shut up that would be absolutely fabulous.

"Great I'm a full on crazy now... talking to myself, trying to shove myself into walls."

Why wouldn't it work though? Is it just because it's so much bigger than the other pieces? There must be something different... the other times, I had a-a connection? I made a connection. But how?

Well the last two times it really fucking hurt eh? How about you bash your head into it?

You...ABSOLUTE GENIUS! That's it! It didn't just hurt last time! I was injured, I was bleeding! My blood, it must be what sparks the connection! I jumped up from my dejected slump and ran over to the bedside table, furiously rifling  through its contents. There's got to be something sharp in here, a pin, a letter opener, anything!

There was nothing.

"Fucks sake..." I turned around and focused on my reflection in the humongous mirror that was against the wall... at the ruby that he had burned into my neck to tell everyone else that I was 'his property'.

Smash the shit out of it Allie... smash the fucking shit out of it.

You are definitely the reason I got kicked out of school, you know that right? I thought back as I walked over to the mirror. I locked the door from the inside as I passed it and picked up the heavy cast metal lamp that sat by the side of the mirror. I considered it for a moment. "There's not really a quiet way to do this huh?"

Do it and run, just like the good ol' days.

I nodded determinedly and raised the lamp with both hands. "Lets see how much you want to keep me after this."

The glass shattered spectacularly, showering down around me in beautiful glittering shards. I could see my face and wicked smile distorted and reflected a hundred times over in it's fractured surface. Breaking mirrors was always fun, but I'd never done one on this scale before. Whilst spectacularly theatrical it is also pretty loud and my little stunt hadn't gone unnoticed by my captors who were now violently wiggling the door handle. I heard muffled shouts about 'fetching the keys'.


I grabbed a large shard and clenched my jaw, before slicing deeply into my palm. I ran full tilt at the wall, bloodied hand outstretched. LET ME IN. I yelled silently at it as liquidated instantly and engulfed my body entirely in cool flowing liquid.

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